Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission(MACC) has published monthly income declarations of many parliamentarians,following Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s request to prevent corruption, TheStar newspaper reported on November 2.
The MACC has so far provided the income figures of 79Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope) and Parti Warisan Sabah parliamentarians,while that of others will be announced in the coming time.
At present, Minister of Works Baru Bian tops the list with amonthly income of over 108,000 RM (25,900 USD). He was followed by FinanceMinister Lim Guan Eng with over 86,000 RM (20,600 USD). PM Mahathir ranksfourth in the list with a monthly income of more than 75,800 RM (18,000 USD).
The MACC said that detailed information on the assets willbe published after a technical problem has been fixed.
After assuming power, Mahathir declared to give priority toaddressing corruption and taking back losses of the 1Malaysia DevelopmentBerhad (1MDB) fund that was established by former PM Najib Razak in 2009. Najibhas been accused of involving in the loss of billions of USD in the bank’stransactions with foreign partners. The fund and Najib have repeatedly rejectedthe accuse, yet the Malaysian government has set up a task force to look intothe scandal with help from the US, Switzerland, Singapore, Canada and othercountries.-VNA