NA deputies also scrutinised reports on COVID-19prevention and control, and the implementation of Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15on the first session, along with the implementation of the State budget in2021, State budget estimate and central budget allocation plan for 2022, andthe 2022-2024 finance-budget plan.
Most of the opinions raised at the working dayapproved the Government’s reports and assessment reports of NA Committees.
The lawmakers pointed out major tasks and solutions tospur socio-economic development in 2022, regional economic growth, maritime economicdevelopment and trade, among others.
They touched upon solutions to remove difficultiesfacing people and businesses due to COVID-19, and ensure social welfare, jobgeneration and the public’s health.
The deputies also debated State budget collection andthe increase of budget allocation to cities and provinces severely affected bythe pandemic.
At the end of the discussion, Minister of Health NguyenThanh Long and Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dungfurther clarified issues of deputies’ concern.
The lawmakers will continue to look into reports onsocio-economic affairs, State budget and the pandemic fight during a plenarysession on November 9./.