People around the world and inthe ASEAN region in particular are facing the complicated developments of COVID-19,and extreme natural disasters, he said.
Internationalcooperation to respond to natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic is thekey to help countries overcome the pandemic to restore the economy andstrengthen resilience to natural disasters, Hoai stressed.
Vietnamese Party and State leaders have implementedthe policy of promoting vaccine diplomacy in order to increase the vaccination coveragein the community, he said.
During the historic flooding in the centralregion in October 2020, only a short time after Vietnam appealedfor help, domestic and international organization and individuals donated over25 million USD to support flood victims.
Beside direct cooperation, Vietnam’s partners indisaster prevention and control have also transferred techniques, science andtechnology, shared information and initiatives with Vietnam in disaster riskmanagement, helping Vietnam strengthen its resilience to natural disasters and disease,he added.
October 13 was designatedthe International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction in 1989.
ASEAN also designates the same day to celebrate the ASEANDay for Disaster Management (ADDM).
According to the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR),this year's theme focuses on the global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction andpromoting international cooperation to help developing countries mitigatedisaster risks and losses through appropriate and sustainable support toimplement country-level actions in order to realise the Sendai Framework’stargets by 2030./.