Q: What are your assessments of the role of intellectual property rights in Vietnam?
A:Intellectual property has become an effective tool for economicdevelopment in Vietnam. In the past, it was considered a specialprivilege for developed countries. Since 1986 when Vietnam started itsrenewal process, and particularly after the country joined the WorldTrade Organisation in 2007, many enterprises have shown interest in andstarted to apply intellectual property to their businesses. Since then,it has become an important tool in our national economic development.
However,the use of intellectual property rights is not on par with itspotential. As a result, its contribution to the country's socio-economicdevelopment remains low. In addition, intellectual property has not yetcontributed to promoting the competitiveness of our goods inside andoutside the country. There are various factors contributing to theproblem, but the key is that many of our enterprises are small andmedium enterprises, so they don't pay much attention to research anddevelopment (R&D).
Q: Can you give some examples about intellectual property infringements in Vietnam?
A:Vietnam has recorded notable achievements in applying intellectualproperty in the course of national economic development. Organisationsand enterprises' awareness about intellectual property rights hasimproved. For example, the National Office for Intellectual Property ofVietnam received about 45,000 registration applications last year.Regarding trademarks, the office received 366,798 applications in 2014.
However,I have to concede that the effectiveness of intellectual propertyrights in Vietnam remains low and infringements are rather common.
Accordingto an ongoing report, 1,100 violation cases relating to industrialproperty rights were fined 15.5 billion VND (718,000 USD) last year, andup to 97.8 percent of the cases were regarding trademarks.
Q: Many people say that our sanctions on intellectual property violations are not strong enough. What's your position on this?
A: I disagree. In reality, the sanctions levied on violations are applied at the highest levels in accordance with our law.
Underthe 2005 Law on Intellectual Property, the highest penalty for aviolation must not be over five times the value of the goods. However,in reality, the implementation of the 2005 Law faced many challenges. Inthe amendments to the 2009 Law on Intellectual Property, the NationalAssembly had to apply administrative fines on all intellectualinfringement cases.
Another factor I should mention is the shortage of law enforcement officers who are trained in intellectual property.
Q: What challenges does Vietnam face enforcing intellectual property rights?
A:Intellectual property rights have become a main part of Vietnam'sinternational economic integration. There is no other choice for Vietnambut to implement global intellectual property law. Intellectualproperty has played important role in international economic activities,particularly in the signing and commitments to free trade agreements.
Duringthe course of international integration, Vietnam has faced manychallenges, particularly in completing a legal framework relating tointellectual property and human resources development.
Last but not least, we need to educate the general public and enterprises about intellectual property rights.-VNA