Trinh Thi Bich Thuy, Directorof the institute’s centre for training - scientific management - international cooperation,said they plan to recruit 3,000 volunteers aged at least 18 in central QuangNam and Khanh Hoa provinces for the third-phase trials of the viralvector-based influenza vaccine.
Eligible volunteers should be healthy or with mild illnesses and in stable condition, haven’tbeen infected with COVID-19, and ready to undergo four check-ups during the researchprocess. Besides, their latest COVID-19 vaccine dose administration must be at least threemonths prior to the trials.
The recruitment will lastfrom now through April 30, she noted, adding that the trials are scheduled tolast for one year since the spray administration, and the interval between twodoses is 14 days.
The first- and second-phaseclinical trials have proved this nasal spray vaccine is safe and good in immuneresponse generation, according to Thuy.
Apart from Vietnam, thethird-phase trials of this vaccine are also being carried out in four othercountries, namely Colombia, the Philippines, South Africa, and Indonesia./.