The first priority is universal quality education,which is raised to respond to a challenge to equal access to education in alllevels, particularly vulnerable groups, in order to recover from COVID-19,Iwan Syahril said during the Kick Off of the G20 on Education and Culture.
He added this issue is also a manifestation of Indonesia'scommitment to realise quality educational access for all, in accordance withthe fourth Sustainable Development Goal.
The second issue is digital technologies in education, hesaid, noting that Indonesia is looking forward to discussing in details howdigital technology offers a solution to equal access and social justice in theeducational sector.
He added the third is solidarity and partnership. Indonesiawishes to offer its wisdom as part of the effort to re-imagine the future as itbelieves that only through cooperation and mutual support could a myriad ofglobal issues be solved.
Regarding the last issue - the post-COVID-9 future of work, Syahril said post-COVID-19 job needs will change, so the world also needsto make changes, particularly how education can answer the global challenge inthe future.
Under Italy's presidency last year, the G20 discussed theissue of inadequate learning and unequal access to education during the pandemic.Indonesia opined that the initiative taken last year must be strengthened, and G20member states must work hand in hand to address unequal access to education inthe wake of the pandemic, according to the official./.