Last year, Indonesia, among the world's biggest greenhousegas emitters, set a more ambitious goal of reducing carbon emissions by 31.89%on its own or 43.2% with international support, by 2030.
That compared to its 2015 Paris Agreement pledge to cutemissions by 29% or 41% with international help.
Mohamad Priharto Dwinugroho, an official of the Ministry ofEnergy and Mineral Resources, said that the quotas will be set the latest byJanuary 31. After obtaining the quotas, businesses are required to carry outcarbon trading.
The first phase of carbon trade will cover coal power plantswith minimum 100 megawatt capacity that are directly connected to power gridsowned by state utility Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), according to DadanKusdiana, another ministry official.
There are 99 coal plants with a combined installed capacityof 33.6 gigawatts (GW) that may join the carbon trade this year, ministry datashowed./.