"Thegovernment's stance is clear, (the governor) should be elected as the currentsystem stands, not appointed," Karnavian emphasised at the working meetingwith the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Legislative Body on March 13, asquoted by the country’s national news agency Antara.
According to the agency, theminister made the remarks in connection with the public response to the JakartaSpecial Region Bill. He also noted that the election method of the Jakartagovernor will be one of the government's focus on the bill deliberation.
Accordingto DPR RI Legislative Body chairperson Supratman Andi Agtas, the bill willcomprise 12 sections and 72 articles regulating four aspects.
The proposed law will regulate Jakarta's special status as the nation'seconomic center, global city, and urban agglomeration; offer solutions to addressissues in Jakarta and its surrounding areas and the development synergy in theGreater Jakarta area; and regulate the monitoring of law enforcement.
Agtas highlighted that the fourth aspect regarding the appointment anddismissal of the Jakarta governor by the president and the governor's specialauthority has become a public discourse./.