The event drew 26 international friendsfrom friendship and peace organisations in 15 countries, who have directly orindirectly supported Vietnam during the anti-American war, including the periodof the Paris Conference, as well as in current national construction anddefence.
Former Vice President NguyenThi Binh, who was head of the negotiation team of the ProvisionalRevolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam and one of the fourpeople to ink the accords, sent her message to the event.
In the message, Binh underlined that the ParisPeace Accords is a great success in politics and diplomacy of the Vietnamesepeople, and a historical turning point in the struggle against the US to savagethe nation, which subsequently led to the liberation of the south and nationalreunification.
The signing of the deal is a victory of theVietnamese people's struggle in military, politics and diplomacy. At the sametime, it is a victory of the movement by people around the world in support of the Vietnamesepeople. The brave and resilient fight of Vietnamese people, with theunprecedented strong and widespread support of the world, forced the USgovernment to negotiate and sign the Paris Agreement on Vietnam, she noted.
The former official expressed her hope that internationalfriends will maintain that support for Vietnam and assist the country duringthe present national defence and construction.
VUFO Vice President and General SecretaryPhan Anh Son affirmed that the victory of Vietnam in reaching the ParisAgreement and the struggle against the US is that of conscience, belief in justice, the national liberation movements and of allpeace-loving forces in the world.
Earlier the same day, internationaldelegations to the event paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at hismausoleum./.