Public health expert Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh ofUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia said individuals at high risk of developingsevere COVID-19 include the elderly, the obese, those with high comorbidities, and those who are immunocompromised, such as people with diabetes and cancer.
Health Minister Zaliha Mustafa said that among thosehospitalised with COVID-19, 63.8% were aged 60 and above, and 90.7% hadcomorbidities.
Most patients had mild symptoms. Deaths amongpatients who were not vaccinated were six times higher than among those who hadreceived a single vaccine dose, Dr Zaliha added.
Professor Moy Foong Ming of Universiti Malaya’sDepartment of Social and Preventive Medicine suggested that the Health Ministryshould intensify its public messages on the importance of wearing masks andencourage people to do so during the surge in cases.
As for infections in schools, she said parents shouldnot send children with COVID-19 symptoms to school.
University Putra Malaysia medical epidemiologistMalina Osman told the Vietnam NewsAgency that the upward trend in the number of COVID-19 cases started about twoweeks ago, right after schools reopened following a mid-semester break.
However, Malaysia is still managing the situationwell, in the context that most people have been vaccinated with two basic doses,she said./.