HCM City (VNS/VNA) – Ho Chi Minh City’sDepartment of Information and Communications has completed expanding andupgrading the information system for infrastructure breakdowns, called the 1022system.
“By expanding and upgrading the system, HCM Cityauthorities want to solve all technical problems the fastest and most effectiveway,” Le Quoc Cuong, director of the department, said at a press conference heldon January 11.
The system can receive information aboutbreakdowns in the following areas: road landslides and damage; damage totraffic notice boards; water supply and drainage; flooding and water pipedamage; water overflow and stuck drainage systems; broken sewer covers; brokenand stolen traffic lights and lights that work at night but not during the day;and damage or problems with trees.
For electricity and telecommunications, allproblems such as electricity leakage and broken cables and poles along withinformation related to the public transport system will be resolved through the1022 system.
The system is open 24 hours a day and seven daysa week and connects 60 industries and 24 districts.
Local residents can phone the number 1022 asthey did in the past, but they also can send an SMS to 1022, or emailto 1022@tphcm.gov.vn, or contact the website http://1022.tphcm.gov.vn.
They can download the “Tổng đài 1022”application for free, which allows them to take photos and send messages to thesystem. Replies will be sent back to the sender through mobile applications oremail.
“Local residents and the press can superviserelevant authorities and how they cope with problems through the website,” Cuongadded.
“The time to deal with breakdowns will depend onthe level of damage and the process needed in each sector. But it will alloccur in the shortest time possible,” he added.
The system opened in early 2013, and by the endof 2017, it had received nearly 651,000 messages about water supply anddrainage, care of trees, lighting, electricity, telecommunications and publictransport.
“In the future, the system will expand via socialnetworks and camera systems and receive more information from other fields,including the environment, roads and pavement orders,” said Bui Viet Duong,head of the department’s Telecommunications and Posts sub-department.
“The system will also expand to commune level,”he added.
The hotlines of the city’s Party Committee andPublic Services Q&A centre are integrated into the 1022 system.
“I hope in the future that the 1022 system willbe the only hotline to receive all kinds of urgent information. If so, thatwould improve our management,” Nguyen Thi Viet Thu, head of the city’s TransportDepartment Office, said. - VNA