The enterprises come from China,Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea,Pakistan, Singapore, Italy, the US and Germany.
State-of-the-art machinery, accessories and chemicals from renownedbrand names such as Dai Hoang Long, Tan Hung Thinh, Van Su Loi, DongGuan Hong Sui Industry Investment, Taiwan Giu Chun and CSP are ondisplay.
According to Pham Xuan Hong, Chairman of the HCMCity Association of Garments, Textiles, Embroidery and Knitting,Vietnam’s garment and textile sector’s export value reached 17.5 billionUSD last year. The figure hit nearly 15 billion USD in theJanuary-September period this year.
He added that the sectoris seen as the country’s spearhead industry that has significantlycontributed to national economic growth.
VTG 2013, to rununtil October 27, offers an opportunity for businesses to purchasemodern machinery and equipment, access stable and suitable supplies ofmaterials to expand their production, and seek new partners.