Favourable loans policies and trade facilitation will also provide tobusinesses that make key industrial products, which include moulded metallicproducts such as high-precision moulds, steels and machine parts, electronicgoods and cables, plastic and rubber, processed foodstuff, drinks, IT andclothing.
Medicine, medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy (study of plants and naturalsources for use as drugs) are classified as product groups with high potential.
The city will help businesses invest and expand their activities, as well asgive priority to land for companies operating in key industrial product groupsand groups with high potential.
These businesses will receive favourable investment policies; and be part ofthe city’s programme to link banks and businesses to further procurement andinvestments.
The key industrial product groups will also be part of the programmes thatsupport small- to medium-sized enterprises, which will improve businesses’competitiveness and global integration. In addition, they will take part inscience and technology development efforts.
Their involvement in these programmes will include training and consultancy inquality management, innovation, intellectual property rights and brandingdisputes. They will also help businesses acquire certifications involved withadvanced technologies.
Financial assistance will be provided to businesses taking part in workforcetraining programmes held domestically and overseas, and for promotion of theirproducts at trade fairs. The businesses will also be given priority in tradefacilitation and networking events.-VNS/VNA