HCM City (VNA) - HCM City hasbasically completed the provision of financial assistance for those hit byCOVID-19, according to Director of the municipal Department of Labour, Invalidsand Social Affairs Le Minh Tan.
The move was in line with Resolution No 02 from themunicipal People’s Council, the Government’s Resolution No 42, and the PrimeMinister’s Decision No 15.
Figures from the department and 24 districts and wards show that thecity had offered over 590 billion VND (25.6 million USD) to 538,360 out ofthe 538,621 cases as of late July, including 66,020 workers who become joblesswith more than 67.5 billion VND, and those whose labour contracts have beentemporarily suspended with 994 million VND.
Districts and wards paid 1.82 billion VND to other workers now notworking and over 1.33 trillion VND to 1,330 business households earning revenueof less than 100 million VND per year.
All poor and near-poor households received a further 85.2 billion VNDwhile all ex-revolutionaries entitled to social assistance were granted an additional232.84 billion VND in total./.