TheHanoi Department of Health has just issued temporary guidance on theimplementation of health control measures for people arriving from otherlocalities.
Thosewho arrive and/or return to the city will not be required to show SARS-CoV-2test results.
Testingis not mandatory, except for those coming from pandemic-hit areas at level4 or medical isolation areas and suspected cases or cases from pandemic areasat level 3.
Thosewho have been fully vaccinated or completely recovered from COVID-19 within sixmonths by the time they return to Hanoi from the extremely high-risk orquarantine areas (level 4), will self-monitor their health at home forseven days and get tested once by RT-PCR method on the first day in Hanoi.
Thosewho have received just one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine will self-quarantine athome for seven days, continue to self-monitor their health at home for the nextseven days, follow the 5K measures and take two tests by RT-PCR method onthe first and seventh days since arrival in the city.
Thosewho are not yet vaccinated have to self-quarantine at home for 14 days from thedate of arrival in Hanoi, continue to self-monitor their health for thenext 14 days, and be tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR method three times onthe 1st, 7th and 14th days of arrival in Hanoi.
Fullyvaccinated people who return to Hanoi from level-3 areas have toself-monitor at home for seven days, while for unvaccinated the durationis 14 days.
Thesereturnees are not required to be tested for the virus.
Medicalself-quarantine will not be imposed on those returning from pandemic-hit areasat levels 2 and 1.
Allpeople arriving in Hanoi have to make medical declarations and inform the localauthorities.
Theyhave to immediately notify local health authorities if they have symptoms ofcough, fever, sore throat, loss or decrease in smell and taste.
Inaddition, people passing through the city are not required to be tested butmust follow the 5K measures and not stop in the city except for forcemajeure cases./.