According to Director of the Hanoi HIV/AIDSPrevention and Care Centre La Nhan Thuan, all pregnant HIV-positivewomen were referred to Ha Dong General Hospital and the NationalHospital of Pediatrics for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, thetest used to diagnose HIV, and all cases came back with negativeresults, meaning that the virus has not been transmitted to their unbornchildren.
The capital is providing preventive care forHIV-positive pregnant women at Tu Liem Resident Clinic and the HanoiObstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital, as well as clinics in all of thecity’s districts.
During the first ten months of 2014, as manyas 168,497 pregnant women sought medical advice and took HIV tests. Over30,000 women were tested for HIV during labour.
To date, thecity has 21 non-resident clinics that can accommodate HIV/AIDS patients,eight social work, education and treatment centers, and a detentioncentre that offer AVR treatment for HIV – carried prisoners.
However,preventing mother-to- child transmission faces a number of obstacles,due to a lack of knowledge on sexually transmitted diseases, even inhospitals and healthcare facilities.
In an attempt to controlmother-to-child transmission of HIV, the city aims to guarantee that 100percent of HIV-positive pregnant women make use of the preventive careservices.-VNA