Districts are requiredto build appropriate plans for 2020 in accordance with the city’s budgetcollection scenario given the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state budgetcollection in the capital is forecast to be extremely difficult, affectingdevelopment investment and regular expenditures.
Therefore, localitiesacross the city should review the porfolio of investment projects, prioritisingnatural disaster prevention, diseases, health care, social welfares,education-training, agriculture and rural development, environmentalprotection, and social order, safety and security.
According to themunicipal People’s Committee, the city’s five-year medium-term publicinvestment plan 2016-2020 has been updated and adjusted by the municipal People'sCouncil with a total capital of over 107.3 trillion VND (4.6 billion USD).
The accumulateddisbursement of medium-term capital in the period reached 7.4 trillion VND (318million USD) as of January 31, 2020, equal to 85.3 percent of the plan./.