Theauthority will collect information of the former two groups starting March 1,2017, while the latter two will be surveyed from July 1, 2017.
Theareas to be surveyed include general information such as name, field of operation,ownership and operation model, in addition to labour information and wages,information on production such as assets, capital, costs and taxes andcontributions to the State budget. Investment funds, energy consumption andtechnological application are also subject to surveying.
Thepreliminary report based on a few main indications will be published inDecember 2017. The official results will be issued in the third quarter of2018.
Thecomprehensive economic survey aims to review the amount of labour andproduction units, income and revenue, labour allocation and ownership, besidescalculating the specialised statistics targets, gross domestic product andupdating business data.-VNA