Nearly 1.1 billion USD of FDI was poured into the northern portcity in the first six months, falling by over 11% from a year earlier andequivalent to almost 44% of this year’s target.
FDI inflows are expected to stand at 0.85 billion USD in thethird quarter and 0.85 - 1.1 billion USD in the fourth quarter.
LeTrung Kien, head of the Hai Phong Economic Zone Authority, said the city looks to surpass this year’s FDI attraction target of2.5 billion USD.
Tothat end, the authority will boost investment promotion and attraction for thethree pillars of economic development, namely high-tech industry, seaports -logistics, and tourism - trading.
It will stronglystep up housing projects for workers; devise measures for promoting manpowertraining to meet enterprises’ demand; connect businesses with local universities,colleges and vocational schools; and increase management over the State budgetcollection.
Administrative reforms will also be enhanced while channelsfor receiving businesses’ opinions, including dialogues, maintained and digitaltransformation at the companies located in industrial and economic zonesfostered, he noted./.