Braving numerous difficulties andchallenges both inside and outside, the country has obtained certain majortargets, PM Chinh said, elaborating that the macro-economy has been basicallystable, major balances maintained, inflation kept under control, and growthpromoted.
In the first four months, the statebudget collection reached 39.8% of this year’s target, trade surplus stood at6.35 billion USD, nearly 3 million tonnes of rice was exported, energy securitywas ensured, the labour market recovered, and social security was guaranteed. Besides,defence, security, and national sovereignty were safeguarded firmly, diplomaticand integration activities boosted, and the corruption combat enhanced.
Meanwhile, the economy also sufferedfrom impacts of external factors, including high inflation in the world, globalgrowth slowdown, and unpredictable changes in the international situation. In Vietnam,there remained a number of challenges to macro-economic stability while thecorporate bond and real estate markets still faced latent problems, theGovernment leader pointed out.
However, many policies and solutionsto tackle difficulties issued since the year’s beginning began to proveeffective in April. Services, especially tourism, have also been promoted sincelast month. As a result, improvements have been recorded in such fields as the corporatebond and real estate markets, public investment, the facilitation of moneyflows in the economy.
Reputable international organisationslike IMF, WB, and OECD continued to forecast a positive growth outlook for theVietnamese economy this year, according to the PM.
He held that it is necessary to staycalm and objective in assessing the situation, show stronger determination,make greater efforts, respond more quickly and effectively, and takeappropriate solutions to step up works in the coming months.
At the meeting, officials alsodiscussed the implementation of the socio-economic recovery and developmentprogramme, the public investment disbursement, and the three national targetprogrammes./.