The online meeting, which included topleaders of the 63 provinces and cities and the Steering Committees of theNorthwestern, Central Highlands, and Southwestern regions reviewed thesocio-economic, defence, security and diplomatic situations of the country inthe first half of this year and was expected to put forward measures to fulfil2017 tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and National Assembly, Phucstated.
According to him, from January-June, theeconomy progressed well compared with the same period last year. Specifically,the macro economy was stable, while inflation was kept low. Economic growthrecovered quickly, from 5.15 percent in the first quarter to 6.17 percent inthe second quarter.
Vietnam ranked sixth among the 12 leadingcountries globally in terms of tourism growth. The number of foreign touriststo the country increased by 30 percent in the period.
The country’s trade reached nearly 200billion USD, with export turnover up 19 percent.
Budget collection rose rapidly, and measureswere taken to ensure collection, especially in major cities and in key economiczones.
In addition, foreign direct investmentsurged in the first half with totalnewly-registered and additional capital of 19 billion USD, up 54.8 percent. Ofthe total, 7.7 billion USD was disbursed.
There were more than 61,000newly-established businesses with total capital of nearly 600 trillion VND(26.4 billion USD).
The PM went on to say that health insurancehas to date covered 83 percent of the population.
Political and social order and safety wasensured, while diplomatic work also produced positive results with severaltrade and investment deals worth billions of USD signed, he added.
However, thePM underlined the need to point out difficulties hindering growth.
He cited bottlenecks in the consumption oflivestock, poultry and agricultural products, along with the low growth ofindustry and construction and sluggishness in the mining industry, especiallythe oil and gas sector.
Besides, there are a number of businesseswaiting to be dissolved or suffering prolonged losses, he said, stressing highcosts, particularly in transportation and logistics.
The leader also commented on slow investmentdisbursement which fulfilled just 30 percent of the target set by the PM andnearly 26 percent set by the National Assembly for the first half of this year.
A noteworthy problem is the slow equitisation ofState-owned enterprises (SOEs) and capital divestment, he said, explaining thatonly 20 SOEs were equitised and SOE equitisation plans for 51 others were putforth during the period, with 11.6 trillion VND (510.4 million USD) out of 60trillion VND (2.64 billion USD) divested.
The PM listed a range of other issues of publicconcern relating to food hygiene, social insurance, school violence, childassault and environmental pollution.
Against this background, he emphasised tasks forthe last six months of the year.
To complete the yearly growth target of 6.7percent, it is a must to keep the pace at 7.42 percent in the second half, hesaid, noting that it is not an easy task with the rainy season coming.
However, he said, the target is within reach inthe context of the recovery of sectors and other favourable domestic and internationalconditions.
According to international organisations,Vietnam’s economy has turned from a status of stability to activeness, as shownby its innovation index jumping 12 places in June, the leader added.
He urged greater efforts and stronger reforms,particularly in production and business management agencies and localities,focusing on key economic zones and major cities and provinces.
In that spirit, the PM asked Cabinet members andlocalities propose solutions to ensure growth in each economic sector.
Efforts should be made in decentralisation withmore authority given to localities, along with administrative reform,environmental protection, traffic safety and fire fighting, he said.-VNA