In his speech, PM Chinh highlighted Vietnam's three messageson peace, stability and development.
Firstly, he said, ensuring a peaceful and stable environmentfor cooperation and development is both an essential foundation and an ultimatetarget for sustainable and prosperous development of the world as well as eachcountry and region.
Vietnam upholds a holistic approach to issues related to peace,security and development, as peace is the foundation, solidarity andcooperation the driving force, and sustainable development the goal.
Experiencing many wars, thanks to peace, Vietnam has risenfrom a poor to a middle-income country, and is aiming to become a developed,high-income country by 2045, said Chinh, stressing the need to put an end toconflicts, avoid using and threatening to use nuclear weapons, respectsovereignty and territorial integrity, and ensure food, energy and humansecurity.
Secondly, the Government leader emphasised that the supremacyof law, the respect for the United Nations Charter and international law, andthe settlement of all disputes by peaceful means should be upheld andimplemented by specific commitments. He called on parties involved in allconflicts to find long-term solutions through dialogue and negotiation, with thelegitimate interests of the parties taken into account.
Vietnam does not choose a side but justice, fairness, andrightness, emphasised Chinh.
As for the region, the Vietnamese leader expressed his hopethat the international community and partners will maintain support for ASEAN'scentral role in building a region of peace, stability, cooperation andresilience.
Accordingly, countries should strictly implement theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and move towardsachieving a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) inaccordance with international law, especially the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), he said, requesting parties toexercise restraint and not to take actions that complicate the situation andviolate the sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction of relevantcountries established by the 1982 UNCLOS. And
Thirdly, Chinh affirmed that sincerity, strategic trust andsense of responsibility are especially important for solving current globalchallenges. For Vietnam, those values are reflected in the consistentimplementation of its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace,friendship, cooperation and development, diversification, multilateralisation,being a good friend, a reliable partner, and an active and responsible memberof the international community.
During the session, leaders of G7 and guest countries sharedtheir views on current international issues affecting regional and global peaceand stability, affirming their commitments to act together to addresschallenges and curb the escalation of tensions in geopolitical hotspots aroundthe globe.
They emphasised that the spirit of international cooperationand solidarity plays a fundamental role in ensuring an environment of peace,stability and sustainable development, and called on countries to uphold a freeand open international order based on the rule of law and compliance with the UNCharter./.