Berlin (VNA) – Vietnam and Germany have signed an agreement on official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam in the 2024-2025 period.
On behalf of the Governments of Vietnam and Germany, Director General of Department of Foreign Economic Relations under the Ministry of Planning and Investment Pham Hoang Mai and Director Generaland Commissioner for Asia of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (BMZ) Gisela Hammerschmidt signed the agreement at the end of the annual meetingon bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Germany held fromNovember 7-8 in Bonn, Germany.
At the meeting, the two sides reached agreement on projects and ODA in the 2024-2025 period. They also reviewed the implementation of agreements and commitments related to ODA in 2022-2023 and made policy recommendations to address shortcomings and challenges in the process of ODA disbursement and implementation of projects funded by Germany's ODA and non-refundable technical grants in Vietnam.
The two sides also agreed that the next meeting will be held in Vietnam in 2025.
Regarding Germany’sdevelopment cooperation with Vietnam, in 2021, the German Government committed toproviding 152.11 million EUR (162.64 million USD) indevelopment and technical cooperation aid to Vietnam.
Seven bilateral projects within the framework of theInternational Climate Initiative are being implemented with a total value ofabout 25.4 million EUR, focusing on climate-related policy consultancy ongreenhouse gas reduction, adapting to the impacts of climate change andconserving biodiversity.
Germany's Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety isfunding a 11-million-EUR project on combating marine waste in Vietnam. Three bilateral projects with a total planned capital of 39 million EUR are under preparation. In addition, Vietnam will receive a total funding of about 64million EUR from Germany for three regional projects and two global projects.
Overall,the German Government regarded development cooperation with Vietnam as"successful", and the quality of cooperation and the effectiveness ofthe "triangular cooperation" with Vietnam as "very good"./.