The figure is a hallmark in the operation of theDGCP as well as in cooperation and coordination between PV Gas and Vietnam-Russiaoil and gas joint venture Vietsovpetro, it said.
The DGCP project has a total initial investment of 150million USD, with the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and PV Gas as theinvestors and Vietsovpetro, the constructor.
It was designed and constructed with twohigh-pressure compressor packages with a capacity of 900,000-cubic meter of gasper day, collecting all the associated gas of the Dragon field area tocompress back into the general gaslift system of Vietsovpetro.
The amount of additional gaslift of the DGCP contributesto a share of gaslift demand from the Central Compressor Platform (CCP),indirectly increasing the amount of export gas to onshore to meet part of the southeast region's gas market demand, according to PV Gas.
Over the past years, the DGCP has fulfilled itsassigned targets, reaching 1 billion cu.m of gas in early 2014, 2 billion cu.m inJune 2017 and 3 billion cu.m in February 2020./.