At the event, Man, who is also a Politburo member, stated that despite toughchallenges in 2020, the country completed its set goals and missions thanks to thehigh determination of the entire Party, people and army.
The VFF made significant contributions to the country’s achievements in thepast year, he said, adding it promoted the great national solidarity blocthrough activities to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, while enhancingsocial supervision and feedback and offering suggestions to the draft documentssubmitted to the 13th National Party Congress.
Man pledged to enhance the role of the VFF’s member organisations and gatherthe strength of Vietnamese people to successfully implement the Resolutionadopted at the 13th National Party Congress.
President Ho Chi Minh led the country to success in its struggle for nationalindependence. On September 2, 1945, he read the Declaration of Independence,proclaiming to the world the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam,now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
He was a talented leader and a national hero who devoted his whole life to thecause of national independence and freedom and happiness for the people whiletirelessly striving for peace and progress in the world.
Located in the President Ho Chi Minh relic site, House No. 67 was named afterthe year 1967 when it was built, in which the late leader worked and passedaway. It was the venue of Politburo meetings during the fiercest years of war./.