Fourth MRC Summit issues Vientiane Declaration

The fourth Mekong River Commission (MRC) Summit, themed “'Innovation and Cooperation for a Water Secure and Sustainable Mekong”, issued the Vientiane Declaration before it wrapped up in the Lao capital on April 5.
Fourth MRC Summit issues Vientiane Declaration ảnh 1Representatives of the MRC nations and its partner countries pose for a group photo. (Source: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – The fourth Mekong RiverCommission (MRC) Summit, themed “'Innovation and Cooperation for a Water Secureand Sustainable Mekong”, issued the Vientiane Declaration before it wrapped up in the Lao capital on April 5.

The following is the full text of the declaration:

Vientiane Declaration Innovation and Cooperation for a Water Secure andSustainable Mekong
April 5, 2023


We, the Heads of Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao People’sDemocratic Republic (Lao PDR), the Kingdom of Thailand, and the SocialistRepublic of Viet Nam, meeting in Vientiane, Lao PDR, for the 4th Summit of theMekong River Commission (MRC) and:

Recalling the 1995 signing of the Agreement on the Cooperation for theSustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin (herein referred to as the1995 Mekong Agreement) and the establishment of the MRC by the representativesof the Lower Mekong River Basin Governments, based on basin-wide perspectives,and building on a long history of Mekong cooperation since 1957 with theestablishment of the Committee for the Coordination of Investigations of theLower Mekong Basin.

Noting the priority actions and commitments from prior MRC Summits and theirongoing relevance to MRC Member Countries including from the 1st Summit in 2010in Hua Hin, Thailand, on meeting the needs, keeping the balance: towardssustainable development, the 2nd Summit in 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam,on water, food, and energy security in the context of climate change, and the3rd Summit in 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on enhancing joint efforts andpartnerships towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in theMekong River Basin;

Recognising the importance of the Mekong River Basin’s contributions to thewater-related aspects of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, theParis Agreement on climate change, the Sendai Framework for Disaster RiskReduction 2015-2030, the ASEAN agenda on regional integration, connectivity andclosing the development gap within the ASEAN community, and the need for astrong recovery from Covid-19 in the midst of changing and complexinternational and regional challenges, and in that context, reaffirming thevalue of multilateral cooperation;

Recognising the growing sense of urgency around the critical challenges, risksand opportunities facing the Lower Mekong River Basin countries now and in thefuture resulting from the interaction of development and climate change, andthat optimal water management to achieve a water secure Mekong River Basin iscrucial to environmental integrity and the underpinning of economic and socialwell‐being of basin communities, but that new ideas and innovative ways ofworking together will also need to be found to adequately address the growingrisks and trade-offs involved in basin development and management;

Acknowledging the enhanced opportunities for water, food and energy securitythat are available to all Mekong countries through regional cooperation andjoint efforts that are possible if all countries work together;

Emphasising the importance of a strong and financially sustainable treaty-basedRiver Basin Organisation within the evolving institutional environment in theMekong River Basin for managing water and related resources;

Welcoming the greater engagement of all basin countries in the sustainablemanagement and development of the basin in a spirit of friendship andcooperation;

Acknowledging the participation and cooperation of MRC Dialogue Partners, andDevelopment Partners and others, for their continued commitment to cooperatingwith MRC Member Countries;

Reaffirm our highest political commitment to the effective implementation ofthe 1995 Mekong Agreement, and the role of the MRC as the primary regionalwater cooperation and diplomacy platform as well as knowledge hub in enhancingthe implementation of basin-wide strategies, procedures, guidelines, and dataand information sharing that drives peaceful and mutually beneficialcooperation to achieve our shared vision for an economically prosperous, sociallyjust, environmentally sound and climate resilient Mekong River Basin.

Fourth MRC Summit issues Vientiane Declaration ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the event. (Photo: VNA)
Achievements since the 3rd MRC Summit

As Heads of Government of the MRC Member Countries, we hereby:

1. Recognise the significant MRC achievements and developments in recent years,including the continuous contribution to peaceful and mutually beneficialcooperation and sustainable development in the Mekong region through dialogueand cooperation between the Member Countries and with our partners, and inparticular:

• The enhanced knowledge generation and sharing that has supported betterplanning and decision making, as reflected in the 2018 State of the BasinReport, and various studies and technical assessments including joint researchwith China, Myanmar, International Water Management Institute, United Nationsand other partners;

• The regional guidance provided to the countries’ national plans for moresustainable basin development and management of water and related resources,including through the ambitious and forward-looking Basin Development Strategy2021-2030, the finalisation and initial implementation of sector strategies forsustainable hydropower, environmental management and drought management, theupdated guidance on design of mainstream dams, and guidelines for transboundaryenvironmental impact assessment with voluntary application;

• Strengthening key partnerships including with MRC Dialogue Partners,Development Partners, and other regional cooperation mechanisms, includingASEAN, Mekong Lancang Cooperation, Mekong – United States Partnership, Mekong –Japan Cooperation, and Mekong – Korea Cooperation, as well as broaderstakeholders, based on concrete agreements, improved consultation processes andoutreach, regional fora and dialogues, including increased data and informationsharing among Member Countries and by China and intensifying joint activities;

• The shift in collective action towards the proactive identification ofregional investment solutions and adaptive responses to basin challengesincluding joint efforts for sustainable hydropower, irrigation, navigation andother water developments, the coordinated management of water infrastructure,and the improved implementation of the MRC Procedures to address transboundaryimpacts and emerging operational needs;

• Helping to reduce adverse impacts on vulnerable communities from flood anddrought with the establishment of more accurate flood and drought forecastingwith modern tools and collaboration to support early warning and disasterpreparedness through integrated regional flood and drought management;

• The increased support to national planning and decision-making process withreinvigorated data and information management including working towards a moresustainable Core River Monitoring Network to support regional and nationalriver monitoring, and modelling and communication systems, and more integratedregional and national decision-support systems that are fit-for-purpose,innovative and timely in helping to address current and emerging needs; and

• Embedding a riparian owned and led MRC that is closely guided by the Counciland Joint Committee, with a riparian Chief Executive Officer and staff, itsHeadquarters in Vientiane and integrated Regional Flood and Drought ManagementCenter in Phnom Penh, and increased financial contributions from all MemberCountries which have put the organisation on track to full self-financing ofcore river basin management functions by 2030.

2. Express our deep appreciation of the continued technical and financialsupport provided by Development Partners, international organisations, theprivate sector, and other relevant partners to the MRC and Member Countries,and the cooperation of MRC Dialogue Partners and all relevant stakeholders, inthese and other achievements;

3. Acknowledge these achievements put new and improved foundations in place tofully realise MRC’s mandate and core functions as an River Basin Organisationby: (i) supporting optimal and sustainable development while increasingregional water security and building climate resilience, (ii) supplementingnational planning with whole-of-basin planning and where needed, coordinationof basin operations, (iii) providing continuous and transparent information oncurrent and near future conditions for improved early warning, (iv) increasingcountry ownership and capacity for implementing core river basin managementfunctions, and (v) further institutional development of the MRC for the higherlevels of regional cooperation needed to address the Basin challenges.

Regional opportunities and challenges

As Heads of Government of the MRC Member Countries, we further:

4. Acknowledge the considerable opportunities for sustainable development inall water-related sectors, including hydropower, irrigation, navigation, andothers, and that the provision of water security to protect societies fromwater risks, especially floods and droughts, is essential both as an integratedpart of other sector investments and as a development opportunity;

5. Acknowledge that while the development and utilization of the Mekong’swaters contributes considerably to economic growth, it can also have adverseimpacts, including transboundary impacts that need to be jointly addressed, onthe basin’s environment and vulnerable communities especially when exacerbatedby climate change, such as severe floods and droughts, erosion andsedimentation, the impacts of rapid fluctuations in river levels and flows inparts of the basin, and the deterioration of environmental assets and fisheriesincluding due to loss of connectivity; and

6. Reiterate that to address the basin’s challenges, which have become muchmore complex, we need both development and management options to ensuresustainability of the environmental resource base, to identify alternative investmentsolutions and adequately consider the linkages between different sectors, tomove beyond water resources planning to encompass operational management,including through opportunities for transboundary coordination, especially interms of timely and regular sharing of operational data from dams and otherwater infrastructure, and to identify joint investment projects that contributeto water, food and energy security.

Priority areas of action

We call on the MRC, all partners and stakeholders to find innovative solutionsto cope with these challenges, and to seize the opportunities and intensifycooperation for a water secure and sustainable Mekong River Basin, whileabiding by the principles of openness, transparency, inclusiveness, mutualbenefits, equality, consultation, coordination, cooperation, and respect forsovereignty, with a focus on:

7. Identifying, through more Proactive Regional Planning leading to an adaptivebasin plan, new joint and national investment projects of basin-widesignificance and related enabling activities that can increase synergies andreduce vulnerabilities at the basin and national levels, and that provide acomprehensive response to climate change, including through infrastructure andnature-based water storage options, environmental limits and improved sedimentmanagement, and that support the implementation of integrated regional sectorplanning that goes beyond water-related aspect, such as non-waterrelated andrenewable energy generation, regional grid connection and upgrade, power marketdevelopment and trade, and multimodal transport hubs;

8. Enabling basin countries to support communities to adapt to changing riverconditions by ensuring a more effective and timely communications andnotification system for unusual water flows, water quality issues, flood anddrought and other water-related emergencies both among basin countries and tothe communities, and by working towards the increased sharing of operationaldata from water infrastructures in a timely and regular manner for betterpreparedness and response;

9. Supporting development and operational decisions through improved use oftechnology, including enhanced decision support for the implementation of allriver basin management functions from water-related monitoring and operationalbasin management to long-term strategic assessments and planning;

10. Ensuring that consultations are conducted more effectively to achievecommon objectives by implementing, in partnership with MRC Dialogue Partners, aMultiple Stakeholder Platform for the entire basin, with increasingly joint andinnovative activities with other regional cooperation platforms, DevelopmentPartners, communities, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, andother relevant stakeholders;

11. Strengthening the entire river basin management in accordance with themandate of the MRC through innovation in policy, technology and mechanism forcooperation and partnership with other Mekong related regional cooperationframeworks;

12. Maintaining and exploring innovative financing in the support of the aboveendeavors including through new public and private sources and global fundingmechanisms; and

13. Ensuring that the MRC is on a sustainable transition to self-financing by2030, including through ongoing organisational development that strengthens thecapacity of the MRC and national agencies 5 to implement the core river basinmanagement functions, including water-related data acquisition and monitoringsupported by joint basin expert groups, a cost-effective Core River MonitoringNetwork, enhanced implementation of the MRC Procedures and their associatedmechanisms, modality of work, and uptake of regional strategies and guidelines.

Way ahead

14. We reiterate our commitment to joint efforts to further strengthen the roleof the MRC in helping to ensure a water, food and energy secure andeconomically, socially and environmentally sustainable Mekong River Basin.

15. We welcome the strategic shift to proactive regional planning andcoordinated operational management, and call on all basin countries, partnersand stakeholders to continue to work with the MRC to uphold the 1995 MekongAgreement and its Procedures, and to support the implementation of the BDS2021-2030 in accordance with this Declaration and the One Mekong One Spirit.

16. We task the MRC to coordinate and monitor the implementation of thisDeclaration.

17. We express our sincere gratitude to the Government of the Lao People’sDemocratic Republic for hosting the 4th MRC Summit, and we look forward to the5th Summit to be held in 2026 in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Adopted in Vientiane, Lao PDR, on 5 April 2023 in the English language./.

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