Reporter: As a strongest economy in the world and the most importantmember of APEC, what are the US’s expectations at the APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting in Da Nang?
Former Ambassador David Shear: I think the President will be veryinterested in making speech in Da Nang on American policy in the region and Ithink one thing that the US expects is the friends and allies in the region andthe other like-minded countries will be reassured that the US will remainengaged in the region and that we will continue to be a reliable ally.
Reporter: What are the main goals of the United States during PresidentDonald Trump's visit to Vietnam?
Former Ambassador David Shear: I think one goal would be for thePresident to explain our regional security and economic policies since we repealthe TPP, it has become very important for the US to explain how we are going toapproach international trade in East Asia. We have lots of competition from theChinese, for example. I think it is important for the US to articulate acoherent trade policy while the President is in Da Nang.
Reporter: What do you think about the bilateral relationship between theUnited States and Vietnam since President Donald Trump came to power, prospectsfor cooperation between the two countries in the future, especially in tradeand investment?
Former Ambassador David Shear: I think the bilateral relationshipbetween the US and Vietnam is very strong and growing stronger. Prime MinisterNguyen Xuan Phuc had a very successful visit to Washington and very useful conversationwith the President while he was here at the end of May. We have carried thatdialogue forward both in the defense sphere and in the economic sphere as well.So I think we established the bases for very successful visit by PresidentTrump to Hanoi after he participate in the APEC summit in Da Nang.
The US and Vietnam has a very strong bilateral relationship. Thatrelationship is held together by the fact that we have very strong commoninterests in defense and security relations in the region and economicinterests as well. We have a very large and growing bilateral traderelationship. In 2016, bilateral trade stood at about 52 billion USD and thatis a very large and important relationship for both Vietnam and the US. I thinkthey will be growing direct investment from the US in Vietnam as well as theinvestment from Vietnam in the US as the result of flourishing bilateralrelationship. I think Vietnam is a good place to invest in.
Reporter: In your opinion, what the two sides will achieve in the comingvisit of President Donald Trump to Vietnam?
Former Ambassador David Shear: I think we have a variety of issueson the bilateral agenda. I think the President will probably talk aboutstrengthening defence relations. I think he will also talk about some of thebilateral trade issues that the two sides mentioned in the joint statementissue in connection with the Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visit here. So Ithink American administration will be going into the meetings in Hanoi withsome expectation that we can result some of the bilateral trade, for instance.
Reporter: Thank you for taking your time with us!