This is the fifth in Vietnam and the first in HCM City toreceive the certificate, which recognises the facilities’ efforts in practicingthe process of early care for newborn and supporting breastfeeding activities.
According to Doctor Hoang Thi Diem Tuyet, Director of HungVuong Hospital, in face of the low rate of breastfeeding mothers due to theirinadequate knowledge of the practice, the hospital has pioneered in givingconsultations to mothers on its benefit and supporting them in the field, thuschanging their awareness and helping them with breastfeeding in the hospitaland at home.
In the first three quarters of 2019, over 80 percent ofmothers giving birth in the hospital enjoy skin-to-skin contact with theirbabies continuously within 90 minutes right after their birth and have theirfirst breast milk.
As many as 92 percent of mothers giving birth in the hospitalgave positive feedback of breastfeeding consultations given by the hospital, andover 70 percent of them practiced exclusive breastfeeding while staying in thehospital.
Roger Mathisen, Director of Alive and Thrive in SoutheastAsia, said that thanks to the hospital’s efforts in assisting mothers tobreastfeed their children, the rate of breastfeeding mothers in the hospitalrose considerably in the first nine months of this year.
Meanwhile, Nguyen Duc Vinh, head of the Maternal and ChildHealth Department, noted that in Vietnam, 95 percent of mothers give birth inhealth care facilities, facilitating communications on breastfeeding.
Successful breastfeeding does not depend on only mothers,but also require supports from the families, community and healthcare staff, hestressed.
On August 6, the Health Ministry issued regulationsdetailing the criteria and procedure to recognise hospitals with excellentbreastfeeding practice, contributing to improving healthcareservices for mothers and children./.