They visited two preeminent women-runlivelihood models in Hoang Hoa district and an exhibition of 30 outstandingproducts made by women-owned cooperatives.
At a working session with VWU officialslater the same day, Bulgarian Ambassador Marinela Petkova highly valuedVietnam’s efforts to to promote gender equality and bring into play women’sstrengths, noting that she was much inspired by the visit to Thanh Hoa.
She held that the VWU’s enhancementof connectivity with international organisations and partners will help createconditions for Vietnamese women to develop, improve their leadership skills,and boost economic development.
The ambassador added in the timeahead, she will join hands with the VWU to prevent domestic violence, promotegender equality, and carry out cooperation with VWU units at all levels.Petkova also voiced her belief that the Vietnamese Government will furtherempower women so they can contribute more to national development.
Jesus Lavina, deputy head of thedevelopment cooperation division at the EU Delegation, said the fact-findingtrip helped him gain a better understanding of women’s roles and contributionsto poverty reduction and environmental protection, which are also commontargets of the partnership between Vietnam and the EU.
The EU delegation pledged tocoordinate with the country to carry out the three priorities in theircooperation framework, namely climate change adaptation, digital economy, andgreen transition.
At the meeting, the VWU expressed itshope for continued cooperation and assistance from international agencies andorganisations in all areas related to women’s affairs.
Priority should be given to boostingwomen’s economic empowerment; helping women engage in digital transformationand international integration; ensuring safety for women and children;implementing the national strategy for gender equality for 2021 -2030; helpingthe VWU take part in the building of legal documents and policies related towomen, monitor their enforcement, and give feedback; and increasing informationsharing and technical and financial assistance, according to the VWU./.