According to Ketut Ariadi Kamusa, a senior financial sector specialist at thebank, the Vietnamese capital market has shown its strong growth on the back of the stable marcro economic situation.
However, he said improvements should be made in margin trading and securitiesblockade before transaction, foreign ownership limit, extension of foreign room,and equal access to information.
Meanwhile, Carolyn Turk, WB Country Director for Vietnam, said competentagencies should enhance coordination to develop the capital market,which holds huge potential for growth.
Besides, the upgrade of Vietnam’s stock market from a frontier to an emergingmarket requires close cooperation between the market regulator and themanagement agency of the banking sector, she said.
Chairwoman of the State Securities Commission (SSC) Vu Thi Chan Phuong underlined the necessity of the cooperation with the WB under the Joint Capital MarketsProgramme (J-CAP) amidst the rapid development of the stock market in Vietnam.
The WB has bridged the SSC with international financial institutes, helping the sides share, update and discuss the development of the market aswell as efforts to remove bottlenecks and shortcomings of the market, especiallythe issue related to the upgrade of the Vietnamese stock market, she said.
Phuong spoke highly of the WB experts’ recommendations, and described them as avaluable source of reference to help the SSC handle challenges ahead./.