Thefirms, however, stressed the importance of mass vaccination drives,uninterrupted flow of goods and services as well as shorter time to processforeign workers' entry to Vietnam, said Alain Cany, Chairman of EuroCham.
“Thereis no disguising the fact that this fourth wave outbreak is having a direimpact on business. The EuroCham Business Climate Index is now recording thelowest sentiment in more than a decade," he said.
Measuresmust be taken to allow workers to go back to work as soon as possible
"Iflockdowns, social distancing, and travel restrictions continue for much longer,new investment projects could be put at risk and companies could considerrelocating elsewhere in the region," he said.
Thisis especially important as other countries in the region have started to reopenwhile demand in European markets is showing signs of recovery. As the fourthoutbreak of the virus paralysed Vietnam's industrial and manufacturing sectors,European firms have been forced to move their production elsewhere. SinceApril, 18 percent of European firms' orders have left the country while another16 percent may have to follow soon.
“Whatour members need now is a clear roadmap out of these current measures; onewhich resolves the roadblocks to their commercial operations and gives them apredictable path on which to plan the reopening of their businesses," hesaid.
Thechairman called for a more streamlined process to grant entry for foreignworkers and investors.
"Inparticular, we urge the government to create a fast-track process for foreignbusiness leaders, experts, and their families returning to Vietnam. The currentprocedure is both time-consuming and burdensome. It also represents asignificant barrier to the trade and investment activities which will beessential to achieving economic growth post-pandemic," he said.
Speakingof the country's current three-on-site strategy - a string of measures to allowfirms to keep their operations running by providing workers with accommodation,food and COVID-19 testing within their factories - European firms voiced theirconcerns over a number of limitations and shortcomings.
“Meanwhile,the current ‘Three-in-One’ policies need to be refined. While the principle issound, it places a huge burden on both companies and their workers inpractice," Cany said.
Firmsplaced great importance on a vaccination roll-out which prioritises those mostat risk to allow a gradual opening up of cities and provinces so thatcommercial operations can resume; consistent, centralised regulations to reduceconfusion for companies and to ensure the smooth circulation of goods;alongside a streamlining and simplification of customs requirements./.