According toXinhua News Agency, the five-year project (2018-2022) aims to strengthen therole and participation of Cambodian forest-dependent communities in improvinggovernance, inclusive policy dialogue, and natural resources conservation inthe province.
The beneficiaries of the project will be 2,000 households located in 34villages inside two adjacent national protected areas - Srepok WildlifeSanctuary and Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary - in Mondulkiri province.
The two wildlifesanctuaries cover almost 6,000 sq km and provide agriculture and non-timberforest products-based livelihoods to over 30,000 people, including 8,000indigenous people.
EU Ambassador to Cambodia George Edgar said the project would contribute to theCambodian government’s efforts to manage protected areas and sustainabledevelopment in Mondulkiri.-VNA