Hanoi (VNA) – The draft Vietnam border guard law andthe draft revised law on Vietnamese guest workers under contract will be amongthose to be scrutinised on the second day of the ninth session of the 14thNational Assembly (NA) on May 21.
In the morning, Minister of National Defence NgoXuan Lich is going to submit the draft Vietnam border guard law to theparliament. Later, Chairman of the NA’s Committee for Defence and Security VoTrong Viet will deliver a verification report on this draft.
The draft Vietnam border guard law, consistingof seven chapters with 33 articles, covers such issues as border defence tasks,task performing forces, international cooperation in border defence, the borderguard force, and responsibility of agencies, organisations and individualsperforming border defence tasks.
After Chairman of the NA’s Committee forEconomic Affairs Vu Hong Thanh presents a report on revisions to the draft revisedLaw on Enterprises, legislators will have online discussions on some debatablematters of this bill.
The draft revised Law on Enterprises used to bediscussed at the eighth session of the NA and the 43rd session of the NAStanding Committee. The draft put on the table this time comprises 10 chapterswith 219 articles, regulating the establishment, organisation, management,re-organisation, dissolution, and relevant activities of businesses.
In the afternoon, Minister of Labour, Invalidsand Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung is set to submit the draft revised law onVietnamese guest workers under contract, a verification report on which will belater presented by Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Social Affairs NguyenThuy Anh.
The bill to be discussed consists of eightchapters with 79 articles.
After that, Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee forJudicial Affairs Le Thi Nga will deliver a report on amendments to the draftlaw revising and supplementing some articles of the Law on Judicial Expertise.Deputies will also deliberate this draft law in the afternoon./.