The Government and the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment chose the heavily-based agricultural province as the firstto pilot the national agricultural restructuring plan. Dong Thapproduces the most tra catfish and ranks third for rice production.Agriculture accounts for 36 percent of GDP.
The province aimedto achieve a growth rate of more than 5 percent by 2020 and reduce thenumber of poor households by two percentage points annually, accordingto Provincial Party Committee Secretary Le Minh Hoan. In addition torice and tra catfish, the province would focus on mangoes, bonsai treesand poultry.
Under the project, rice-growing land would bedivided in two. One 10,000ha area with the annual yield of 1.5 milliontonnes would provide rice for export to key markets such as East Asia,China and the EU, while another 70,000ha area with the annual yield of 1million tonnes would provide rice for African and Southeast Asianmarkets. A third 1,500ha area would be set aside for fish farming,yielding 300,000 tonnes of fish per year.
Chairman of theprovincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Duong said the province hadmade several requests to the Government, including subsidies forfarmers, piloting public private partnerships in developing agriculturaland rural infrastructure, building industrial-services zones in theintensive cultivation areas and developing key agricultural commodityvalue chains.
He also said that the province would createfavourable conditions for enterprises investing in agriculturaldevelopment when it came to obtaining capital, premises and humanresources.
The Republic of Korea's Rural Community Corporation(KRC), the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and provincial leaderssigned a cooperation agreement in the fields of rice cultivation andaquaculture breeding at a conference on agricultural restructuring forDong Thap province held in Hanoi on November 25. Under the agreement,the KRC will provide capital to build a 2,000ha rice cultivation areaand the IDH will supply technical support for aquaculture farming.
Delegatessuggested that the province clarify how it would boost the value of thefive key products, citing tra catfish fat as an example. China andJapan currently buy this product from Vietnam, process it assupplemental food and export it to Vietnam at a higher cost.-VNA