During January-April, 98.7 trillion VND worth of investment from theState budget was disbursed, accounting for 21.5 percent of the annual plan, andrising 16.3 percent from the same time in 2020.
Of the total figure, 15.1 trillion VND was disbursed by central agencies, or19.6 percent of the yearly plan, and up 25.5 percent year-on-year. Theremainder was disbursed by localities, making up 21.9 percent of the plan, and rising14.8 percent.
Meanwhile, the amount of public investment capital disbursed in the four-monthperiod reached more than 86 trillion VND, or 18.65 percent of the plan assignedby the Prime Minister. The rate of disbursement of domestic capital was 20.74percent and foreign capital – 2.02 percent, much lower than the same periodlast year.
Localities and sector with high disbursement rate were Thai Binh province(76.74 percent), Ha Nam province (50.57 percent), the State Audit (46.89percent), Hung Yen province (43.21 percent), Thanh Hoa province (42.39percent), and Quang Ninh province (39.62 percent).
Earlier this year, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung saidpublic investment would focus on key national projects with important roles inenhancing regional links and creating new drivers and room for economic growth.
Last year saw the highest public investmentdisbursement rate in 2016-2020 as the Government identified public investment asa major driver for growth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic./.