Bangkok (NNT/VNA) – Thai Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Gen.Prayut Chan-o-cha, has presided over the opening of "Digital Thailand BigBang 2019: ASEAN Connectivity", an international exhibition aimed atencouraging all sides to use using digital technology to benefit all sides andpromote cybersecurity.
"Digital Thailand Big Bang 2019: ASEAN Connectivity" was organised bythe Digital Economy Promotion Agency, under the administration of the Ministryof Digital Economy and Society.
At the event, Prayut presented the Prime Minister’s Awards to outstandingindividuals and delivered a speech on the role of Thailand as the current ASEANChair and ASEAN Connectivity.
The Prime Minister said Thailand has to create an environment that supportsdigital economic development in ASEAN. It is necessary to promote connectivityamong ASEAN member states and in the global community. Digital technology hasto benefit all groups. It has to be further developed to enhance the businesssector. The government has continued to utilise advanced technology in allrespects according to the National Strategy, with the aim of turning Thailandinto a fully developed country. Cybersecurity is also an important issue andthe government has been working to combat different cybersecurity threats, suchas investment scams and cases of fraud. All sides have to work together tostrengthen cybersecurity capabilities.
The Prime Minister said digital technology has to be utilised to enhancebusiness competitiveness. The government has been working on this issue, withThailand being the 40th most competitive nation in the world out of 140countries, according to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) "GlobalCompetitiveness Index 4.0" ranking last year. Digital technology has beenused to improve the banking sector in terms of efficiency and security. Thegovernment has promoted the Smart City project and used modern technology toset up its infrastructure. The government has applied digital technology in theagricultural sector, from growing and harvesting crops to processing andmarketing, and set up the Big Data system to help rice farmers.
He said the use of digital technology must also take natural resources and theenvironment into consideration. Digital technology can help improve watermanagement. It can also be used to improve the government’s administrative workand services, as the government has to listen to all sides.
The Prime Minister added that it is important for children and youth ofThailand to follow technological development so they can initiate successfulstart-ups and developments in the future. They also have to keep up withtechnological change and demand in the country./.