VWU Vice President Nguyen Thi Minh Huong pointed out genderstereotypes about the role, capacity and contribution of women in naturaldisaster combat and climate change response, stressing women have the capacity tocreate resources for natural disaster adaptation and mitigation.
Therefore, women should be empowered to meet their ownneeds, helping themselves, their families and communities cope with extremeweather events caused by climate change, she continued.
Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam Ann Mawe briefed the delegateson Sweden’s “feminist foreign policy,” and emphasised the responsibility ofpolicy makers for forming a resilient community.
Elisa Fernandez Saenz, Country Representative of UNWomen in Vietnam, said climate, environment and natural disaster policies andprogrammes should put women and girls at the centre of decision-making.
She also called for gender mainstreaming in policiesand programmes on mitigation of natural disasters, climate and environment.
The dialogue forms part of the project “EmPower:Strengthening Human Rights and Gender Equality through Climate Actions andDisaster Risk Reduction”, which is funded by the Swedish InternationalDevelopment Cooperation Agency./.