The following is thefull text of his statement.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to attend the Pre-Summit of the 2021 UN Food SystemsSummit.
Despitethe remarkable achievements in eradicating poverty and promoting sustainabledevelopment around the world, we are yet faced with a myriad of formidablechallenges. These include the unpredictable consequences of climate change, theincreasing scarcity of resources for agricultural production, and the hurdlesin transforming food systems via the greater use of advanced technology. TheCOVID-19 pandemic has further amplified the problems within global foodsystems, and brought about new obstacles tosustainable development.
Againstsuch backdrop, the urgent task facing us today is to bolster and further enhance international cooperation so as to defeat hunger and poverty,and ensure food and nutrition security for 7.9 billion people worldwide.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Fullyunderstanding the importance of agricultural modernization to sustainabledevelopment, in its Socio-economicDevelopment Strategy for 2021-2030, Viet Nam seeks to accelerate agriculturalrestructuring, develop a modernity-oriented agriculture focusing on thelarge-scale and specialized production of goods, and promotehigh-tech agriculture. We also work to improve the resilience andadaptability of agricultural sector against climate change, and align thissector with the processing industry, markets, export activities, and globalvalue chains.
Viet Nam has adopted a series of policies to attract greaterinvestment and modernize its agricultural sector. We also took the lead inestablishing the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture in Viet Nam under theWorld Economic Forum (WEF).
VietNam will actively contribute to expediting the transformation of global food systems as a food providing country that upholds“transparency, responsibility and sustainability.” This would serve tocreate comprehensive and sustainable breakthroughs for the entire system, andfulfill the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
I would like to draw your attention tothe following proposals:
First, efforts should be made to link domestic and cross-border innovationnetworks. Research and application efforts should take account of the demandsof businesses, the food system, and the economy as a whole. In addition, VietNam wishes to become a Food Innovation Hub of Asia.
Second, it is necessary to advance the use of digitaltechnology and tap the achievements of the 4th Industrial Revolutionin order to develop smart agriculture value chains. Viet Nam has made digitaltransformation a key priority in the agricultural sector, and encouraged theapplication of digital technology in agricultural production and businessactivities.
Third, food systems need to be transformed into “green”, sustainable and low-emissionmodels. Due attention should be given to eco-friendly agricultural production.Viet Nam also considers this an opportunity to promote “green” growth and thedevelopment of new “green” products, services and jobs.
In thisconnection, Viet Nam aims at fostering large-scale, low-emission andsustainable agricultural development, and strives to reach net-zero emissions.Viet Nam will actively take part in the “100 Million Farmers Initiative:Transitioning towards net-zero, nature-positive food systems” and otherinitiatives on agricultural innovation in response to climate change.
I lookforward to the cooperation and support of international partners in thisendeavor.