The Lao minister, whose visit takes place in conjunctionwith the 2023 Lao cultural week in Vietnam, told the host on key outcomes of hertalks with her Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Van Hung. The two ministersreviewed the implementation of the nations’ cultural, artistic, and tourismcooperation plan for 2021-2025 and agreed on major directions for joint works next year.
She affirmed that the Lao Party and Government consider tourism a driving forcefor and a bright spot of the country’s recovery and development, helpingincrease income for the people. Laos has decided to designate 2024 as the yearof Lao tourism.
She expressed her gratitude for Vietnam's supportfor Laos' preparation of a dossier for the nomination of its Hin Nam No nationalpark as a transboundary World Heritage Site together with Vietnam’s alreadyestablished UNESCO natural World Heritage site Phong Nga Ke Bang National Parkin Quang Binh province.
In response, Quang lauded the fruitful cooperation betweenthe two ministries, especially in organising cultural activities andpeople-to-people exchanges.
He suggested that the sides effectively implement the 2021-2025plan, study and implement measures to promote tourism cooperation between thetwo countries, and closely coordinate in hosting activities of the ASEANCultural and Social Community in Laos’ chairmanship year.
The Deputy PM said he is confident that in 2024 when Laostakes over the ASEAN chairmanship, the two nations’ overall cooperation,particularly in culture and tourism, will thrive./.