It recently granteda certificate of investment registration to a project worth 35 million USD fromJapan’s Fujikin Incorporated to develop a research and development centre,according to the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Zones Authority.
The project aimsto step up scientific research and technological development in the fields ofrobotics, drones, and nano devices, among others.
A company representativesaid it will promptly carry out investment procedures and construction is scheduledto begin in May.
Completion andopening are expected in July 2022 to mark the 20th year of Fujikin’s operationsin Vietnam.
Head of theauthority Pham Truong Son noted that this is the seventh Japanese-invested projectin the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and also the second-largest in terms of registeredcapital.
Project approvalis a silver lining in the city’s FDI attraction against a backdrop of theongoing pandemic, he said, adding that the city is working to attract more investmentfrom Japan.
Meanwhile, ArevoInc., a software company from the US, is considering pouring 135 million USDinto a project on 3D printing services at the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park.
The project isexpected to create an impact for the development of the Da Nang Hi-Tech Parkand Industrial Zones in innovation, investment promotion, and human resourcesdevelopment, Son said.
Some 145 millionUSD in FDI has been gone to the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Zones inthe first two months of the year, bringing the total amount to 536.1 millionUSD./.