VASEP’s statistics showed that 13% of the Vietnam’s total tra fish export inthe first seven months of this year, worth 211.4 million USD, was consumed in CPTPPmember markets, representing a rise of 73% against the same period last year.
In July alone, tra fish export to member countries of CPTPP expanded rapidly at123% to reach more than 31 million USD.
Except for New Zealand, which did not see a considerable increase in tra fishimport from Vietnam, other CPTPP member markets all posted whopping rises.
Notably, tra fish export to Canada rose by four times against the same periodlast year to reach 40 million USD, accounting for 2.5% of Vietnam’s total trafish export value. About 92% of tra fish exported to this market was processed.
Tra fish export to Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Chile posted three-digitgrowth in July, from 108-166%, over the same period last year. Export to Japanincreased by 66% in July.
According to VASEP, Canada was the market where the average tra fish price wasthe highest among CPTPP member countries, at around 3.34 USD per kilogramme inJuly.
Although Mexico was the largest tra fish export market of Vietnam with aturnover of 10.2 million USD in July and 72.6 million USD in the seven-monthperiod, the average tra fish export price to this market was only around 2.8 USDper kilogramme.
Australia was also an attractive market for Vietnam’s tra fish exporters withaverage import price of 3.26 USD per kilogramme in the first half of this yearand 3.3 USD in July.
“While seafood exports in general and tra fish in particular to many marketsface difficulties from exchange rates fluctuations and high transportationcosts, the CPTPP is less affected,” VASEP said, adding that the zero import taxunder CPTPP and the consumer’s choice to switch to fish with more affordableprices such as tra fish were factors that helped tra fish export to CPTPPcountries rise from the beginning of this year.
The growth momentum would continue to maintain in the remaining months, VASEPsaid./.