Bangkok(VNA) – Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh isattending an international conference under the title of “Judicial Excellencein Response to Today’s Challenges” in Thailand.
The conference is heldby the Supreme Court of Thailand with support from the United NationsDevelopment Programme (UNDP) in Bangkok from September 13-14 to exchangeexperiences and enhance cooperation between countries in the Greater MekongSub-region (GMS).
Joining Binh are the chiefjustices of the GMS nations, namely Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar,alongside those from the US, Australia, and Singapore who came to the event topresent their judicial policies and strategies on delivering court excellence.
The conference willfeature the introduction of the International Framework for Court Excellence(IFCE), a self-assessment methodology for court performance by Elodie Beth -Program Advisor, The Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption,Governance and Peace building Program on the second day.
In his keynote speech,the Vietnamese chief justice spoke highly of cooperation among courts ofregional countries through multilateral forums such as the Council of ASEANChief Justices (CACJ), saying that Vietnam welcomes and supports the ThaiSupreme Court’s initiative to intensify partnership among courts of the GMSnations.
He said it is anopportunity for regional countries to share their common issues and strengthenmultilateral and bilateral judicial cooperation.
Binh gave theattendees an overview of some of the breakthroughs by Vietnam’s judicial systemin recent years, as well as opportunities and challenges faced by the countryin this area, affirming Vietnam has harvested many good results in judicialreforms, fundamental to maintaining the rule of law in the country.
He added that the juridicalreforms Vietnam has been promoting is in full conformity with the IFCE andurged other countries to apply the framework based on their real situation.–VNA