The Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member States gathered in KualaLumpur and Langkawi, Malaysia for the 26th ASEAN Summit on April 26-27.At the end of the event, the Chairman’s Statement of the Summit wasissued, in which ASEAN leaders shared their serious concerns expressedby some leaders on the land reclamation being undertaken in the East Sea(internationally known as the South China Sea).
Following is the full text of the Chairman’s Statement of the 26th ASEAN Summit.
We,the Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member States, gathered in KualaLumpur and Langkawi, Malaysia for the 26th ASEAN Summit on 26-27 April2015, had productive discussions under the theme ‘Our People, OurCommunity, Our Vision’ which reflects the overarching spirit ofMalaysia’s Chairmanship, namely to create a truly people-oriented,people-centred ASEAN comprising all areas of political and securitycooperation, economic growth and socio-cultural development.
2. We expressed deep and heartfelt condolences to the Government andpeople of Singapore on the demise of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew,a true Statesman who had made significant contributions to his country,to ASEAN and to regional community-building.
3. Wefully supported the eight priorities for ASEAN outlined by Malaysiaduring her Chairmanship in 2015, namely to formally establish the ASEANCommunity; to develop the ASEAN Community’s post-2015 vision; to steerASEAN closer to its peoples; to strengthen the development of SMEs inthe region; to expand intra-ASEAN trade and investments; to strengthenASEAN’s institutions; to promote regional peace and security throughmoderation; and to enhance ASEAN’s role as a global player.
4. We adopted the following documents as outcomes of the Summit:
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration on a People-Oriented, People-Centred ASEAN
- Langkawi Declaration on the Global Movement of Moderates
- Declaration on Institutionalising the Resilience of ASEAN and it’sCommunities and Peoples to Disasters and Climate Change
5. We are pleased with the positive progress made since 2009 inimplementing the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community comprising the ASEANPolitical Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) andthe ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprints, the Initiative forASEAN Integration (IAI) Strategic Framework and IAI Work Plan II(2009-2015) as well as the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, which haveall contributed towards establishing an ASEAN Community by the end of2015.
6. We agreed to further intensify our work torealise an ASEAN Community that is politically cohesive, economicallyintegrated and socially responsible in order to take advantage ofcurrent and future opportunities, and effectively respond to regionaland international challenges.
7. We expressedsatisfaction at the implementation of the provisions of the ASEANCharter in providing the legal status and institutional framework forASEAN since its adoption in 2007. We urged ASEAN Member States to ratifyall outstanding legal instruments under the ASEAN Charter in a timelymanner.
8. We continued to encourage the ASEANCoordinating Council (ACC) and the ASEAN Community Councils, with thesupport of the relevant Senior Officials and the Committee of PermanentRepresentatives to ASEAN (CPR) to implement the recommendations of theHigh Level Task Force on Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat andReviewing the ASEAN Organs within the stipulated timeframes.
9. We are pleased to welcome the progress made thus far in developingthe ASEAN Community’s Vision and the attendant documents for the threecommunity pillars for the period of 2016-2025. We looked forward to thesubmission of the documents by the ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) atthe 27th ASEAN Summit.
10. We reaffirmed the Treaty of Amity and Co-operation in SoutheastAsia (TAC) as the key code of conduct governing inter-State relations inthe region and a foundation for the maintenance of regional peace andstability. We agreed to deliberate on requests made by countries toaccede to the TAC, in accordance with its revised guidelines foraccession.
11. We reiterated our commitment toimplementing the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone(SEANWFZ Treaty) and its Plan of Action and called on the Nuclear WeaponStates to consider signing the Protocol to the SEANFWZ Treaty tofurther promote Southeast Asia as a region free of nuclear weapons andall other weapons of mass destruction.
ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
12. We welcomed the significant contribution by AIPA to the ASEANCommunity-building process and appreciated the interface withRepresentatives of AIPA. We are convinced that AIPA Representatives aresignificant intermediaries in the realisation of a “People-CentredASEAN” as it is well placed to reach out directly to the people of ASEANand promote the importance of an ASEAN Community and its benefits. Welooked forward to the convening of the 36th AIPA on 6 - 12 September2015 in Kuala Lumpur.
Global Movement of Moderates
13. We welcomed the adoption of the 2015 Langkawi Declaration on theGlobal Movement of Moderates, which comprehensively outlines thephilosophy of
moderation, which is an established ASEAN value,in all its dimensions. We recognised that moderation is anall-encompassing approach not only in resolving differences andconflicts peacefully but also for ensuring sustainable and inclusivedevelopment and equitable growth as well as promoting social harmony andmutual understanding within countries and regions.
ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM)
14. We recognised the important role of the ASEAN Defence Ministerstowards the realisation of the ASEAN Political-Security Community andwelcomed the commitment of the 9th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting(ADMM) which met in Langkawi, Malaysia, on 16 March 2015 in addressingcommon security challenges and its pledge to respond collectively to thethreat of extremist organisation in the region.
15.We further noted the proposals made at the 9th ADMM to improve theregion’s response to non-traditional security challenges on the basis offlexible, voluntary and non-binding participation by ASEAN memberstates, including the adoption of the Concept Paper on ASEAN MilitariesReady Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) andthe Concept Paper on the Establishment of an ASEAN Centre of MilitaryMedicine (ACMM).
Response to the Rise of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism
16. We welcomed the convening of the East Asia Summit Symposium onReligious Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration, held in Singapore on16 – 17 April 2015 and looked forward to the convening of the SpecialASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Rise of Radicalisation and ViolentExtremism (SAMMRRVE) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as contributing toaddressing the growing threat of radicalisation and violent extremism,and the real and present danger it poses to the ASEAN region.
Establishment of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters
17. We welcomed the decision of the ASEAN Ministers responsible fordrug matters to institutionalise the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on DrugMatters which will provide political impetus to ASEAN cooperation ondrug matters and strategic guidance to the Senior Officials on DrugMatters on a Drug-Free ASEAN.
ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
18. We commended the work of AICHR in the promotion and protection ofall human rights and fundamental freedoms of the peoples of ASEAN. Weacknowledged on-going efforts by AICHR to streamline its programmes andactivities throughout 2015. We looked forward to the finalisation ofAICHR's second Five-Year Work Plan 2016-2020, to be adopted at theforthcoming ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiain August 2015.
ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercises
19. We looked forward to the convening of the ARF Disaster ReliefExercises (ARF DiREx), to be held in Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia on 24-28May 2015 which will contribute towards strengthening civilian-militarycoordination and support the effective implementation of the ASEANAgreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) at thestrategic and operational levels through a Table Top Exercise (TTX) andat the tactical level through the Field Training Exercise (FTX).
20. We were satisfied that the ASEAN economy grew by 4.4 per cent in2014 amid challenges in the global economy. Domestic demand in oureconomies has remained resilient, supported mainly by privateconsumption. There were robust inflows of investments to the region,which in 2014 stood at USD136.2 billion, reflecting a 15.7 per centyear-on-year growth. ASEAN’s total trade was stable in 2014, amountingto USD2.53 trillion, a marginal increase of 0.8 per cent from theprevious year.
21. The ASEAN economic growth isprojected to improve in 2015 to 4.9 per cent, well above the latestglobal growth projections of 3.5 per cent. Investment is expected tofurther increase, as the ASEAN region remains an attractive investmentdestination with the establishment of the AEC and with continued focuson infrastructure development to improve connectivity.
22. We noted the continuing progress made in the implementation of theAEC Blueprint, and welcomed the full implementation to date of 458measures of the AEC Scorecard targeted for ASEAN-wide implementationover the period 2008-2015. We commended the ASEAN Economic Ministers'(AEM) identification of pending prioritised key deliverables with thehighest trade impact and that can be implemented within the year. In thecontext of the fully implemented measures to date and the high-prioritymeasures identified by the AEM for implementation within 2015, we notedthat the current rate of implementation of the AEC Scorecard stands at90.5 per cent out of 506 measures.
23. We aregenerally satisfied with the progress in the implementation of the AECmeasures, which through the adoption of the frameworks of rules andvarious liberalisation and facilitation measures, is sending a strongsignal that the region is moving forward as an economic community by 1January 2016. Since the adoption of the AEC Blueprint in 2007, theimplementation of AEC measures have delivered many benefits to ASEANbusinesses and consumers, from significant tariff liberalisation,efforts to improve trade facilitation measures throughself-certification, harmonisation of technical regulations andstandards, simplification of customs procedures, and the MutualRecognition Arrangements on the movement of skilled professionals in theregion. In fostering a business-enabling environment, ASEAN has alsoput in place legal structures on competition, consumer protection andintellectual property.
24. We welcomed the furtherelimination of tariffs by Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam on 1January 2015. We welcomed progress in this area, with the elimination ofduties on the remaining 7 per cent tariff lines by 2018, which willfurther contribute to the development of a more integrated regionalmarket.
25. We further welcomed efforts takentowards developing a comprehensive action plan on trade facilitation andendorsed the reactivation of the ASEAN Trade Facilitation JointConsultative Committee (ATF-JCC), comprising the public and privatesectors, with the latter’s inclusion to promote a more proactive role inidentifying specific issues as well as facilitate in ways to reduce oreliminate non-tariff barriers in the region.
26. Wealso welcomed the decision to improve on the ASEAN Consultation toResolve Trade and Investment Issues (ACT), an internet-based mechanismintended as a network of government focal points between ASEAN MemberStates to address operational issues encountered in the implementationof economic agreements, and which will be re-launched by year’s end.
27. We were encouraged by the signing of the Protocol on the LegalFramework to Implement the ASEAN Single Window (PLF-ASW), which wouldexpedite the implementation of the ASW measures. We encouraged allMember States to participate in the implementation of ASW in December2015. We were pleased with the entry into force of the ASEAN Agreementon Customs in November 2014, and welcomed the completion of the signingof Protocol 7 on Customs under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on theFacilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT). These developments wouldsupport the free flow of goods across the region and enhance intra-ASEANtrade.
28. We noted with satisfaction that despitethe challenges faced by Member States, good progress has been made inthe liberalisation of services under the ASEAN Framework Agreement onServices (AFAS). We looked forward to the completion of the final AFASpackage by end of 2015, as this would lead to substantial integration ofthe services sector, and to sustain and attract foreign directinvestments into the region.
29. We welcomed thecommencement of negotiations on the Ninth Package of Commitments on AirTransport Services under AFAS, which would further liberalise the airtransport ancillary services in ASEAN and looked forward to its timelyconclusion by end of 2015.
30. Investment regimes inASEAN Member States continue to be enhanced through improvements andremoval of restrictions under the ASEAN Comprehensive InvestmentAgreement (ACIA), as well as through various other initiatives such asthe on-going Investment Policy Reviews of several AMS conducted by theOECD. We looked forward to its full implementation in order to increaseintra-ASEAN investments and to enhance ASEAN’s competitiveness inattracting investments into the region.
ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting
31. We welcomed the convening of the First Joint Meeting of the ASEANFinance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, held in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia on 21 March 2015. We further welcomed the commitment to developan implementation plan for a post-2015 ASEAN financial integrationunder the Roadmap for Monetary and Financial Integration of ASEAN(RIA-fin).
32. We are pleased that the Protocol toImplement the Sixth Package of Financial Services Liberalisation underthe ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services has been signed by all ASEANFinance Ministers. The Protocol contains the enabling provision for theimplementation of the ASEAN Banking Integration Framework (ABIF) towardsachieving greater financial and economic integration.
33. We noted the good progress made in the area of capital marketintegration through a number of initiatives such as the adoption of thePrinciples for Product Transparency and Disclosure on Cross-Border TradeSettlement.
34. Recognising the contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)to the economic growth of the region, we looked forward to theannouncement of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development(2016-2025), which will focus on access to finance, technology,enhancing management and marketing capability. Access to marketinformation and strengthening microenterprises are important inenhancing SMEs' competitiveness and resilience.
35.We recognised the economic contribution of young entrepreneurs in theregion and the need to establish a platform to foster networking andshare best practices amongst them. In this regard, we commendedMalaysia’s efforts in organising the 1ASEAN Entrepreneurship Gathering,which was a prelude to the 1ASEAN Entrepreneurship Summit (1AES) to beheld at the sidelines of the 27th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits, tobe held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in November 2015, aimed atfacilitating people-to-people linkages and promoting economicdevelopment and growth within ASEAN.
36. We furtherwelcomed the establishment of national chapters of the ASEAN YoungEntrepreneurs Association (YEA), designed to promote the inclusion ofyouth in entrepreneurial activities in the region. We looked forward tothe establishment of similar networks involving women entrepreneurs.
37. We welcomed the launching of GOASEAN, an ASEAN-focused travelchannel to promote ASEAN as a single tourism destination as well as topromote intra-ASEAN travel and appreciation of ASEAN culture andheritage.
Regional Growth Areas
38. We reiterated the importance of sub-regional growth areas, such asthe Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), the BruneiDarussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area(BIMP-EAGA), the Greater Mekong Sub-Region Economic Co-operation (GMS),the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Co-operation Strategy (ACMES),and the Cambodia-Lao-Viet Nam (CLV) Development Triangle, theCambodia-Lao-Myanmar-Viet Nam (CLMV) cooperation, and otherMekong-subregional cooperation mechanisms, as important building blocksof the ASEAN Community 2015, and are committed to further strengtheningstrategic and institutional linkages as well as mobilising resources toimprove coordination and bridge the development gap among these areas.
39. We were pleased to adopt the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on aPeople-Oriented, People-Centred ASEAN, through which we outlined ourdesire to make ASEAN an even more effective vehicle in the realisationof our peoples’ aspirations for good governance, transparency, higherstandards of living, sustainable development focusing on climate changeand ‘the environment, the further empowerment of women as well asgreater opportunities for all in ASEAN in a post-2015 era.
40. We took note of the views and proposals made by ASEAN CivilSociety Representatives and also of the convening of the ASEAN CivilSociety Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum and commended their contributionto the ASEAN Community-building process. We encouraged their continuedconstructive engagement in the process towards achieving apeople-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community.
41.We welcomed the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Youth Representatives andtook note of their desire for a peaceful and stable, economicallyresilient, socially and culturally responsible ASEAN Community. In aregion where youth constitute 65 per cent of the population, ASEAN’sdevelopment strategy must include both men and women, and by extensionits youth, if it is to succeed. We urged our youth to embraceinnovation, critical thinking and problem solving skills in order tosucceed in a rapidly changing world.
42. We welcomedthe convening of the Forum for Spouses of ASEAN Heads ofState/Government, held on 27 April 2015 in conjunction with the 26thASEAN Summit. The Forum “Empowerment through Social Business” focused onincreasing awareness on social business and its development in thealleviation of poverty. We urge the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on SocialWelfare and Development (AMMSWD) and the ASEAN Economic MinistersMeeting (AEM) to consider the recommendations of the Forum and furtherdevelop the concept of social business in achieving a caring and sharingsociety within ASEAN.
43. We reaffirmed ourcommitment to enhance cooperation to address the needs and interests aswell as provide equal access to opportunities and raise the quality oflife and standard of living for women, children, the elderly and personswith disabilities. We noted with satisfaction the successful conveningof the Regional Conference on Social Impact of Climate Change on Womenand Children in Cambodia on 25-26 March 2015 as part of the ASEANCommittee on Women (ACW) Work Plan (2011-2015), and took note of theASEAN Regional Workshop on Gender Issues in Climate Change and ItsAdaptation, to be organised in Malaysia in June 2015.
44. We expressed our commitment to promote a healthy, active andproductive environment for elderly persons in the ASEAN region, so thatthe elderly may continue to play a vital role in their families and insociety. To this end, we welcomed on-going efforts to finalise the KualaLumpur Declaration on Ageing: Empowering Older Persons in ASEAN at the11th SOMSWD, to be held in Malaysia in 2015.
45. Weare resolved to move ASEAN forward, equipped with a higher level ofknowledge and skills, to be inculcated through capacity building andknowledge management. ASEAN institutions of higher education shouldfurther enhance their role in developing graduates with the necessaryattributes and competencies, able to contribute to the development andwell-being of the ASEAN Community in the post-2015 era.
46. We recognise the contribution of migrant workers to both thesociety and economy of ASEAN and reiterated the importance of creating asecure and prosperous ASEAN Community. We stressed the need to improvethe quality of life of the people of ASEAN and to safeguard their humanrights and fundamental freedoms including the rights of migrant workers.We tasked the ASEAN Labour Ministers to continue working on thefinalization of an ASEAN Instrument on the Protection and Promotion ofthe Rights of Migrant Workers.
47. We underlined theimportance of enhancing cooperation in disaster management andemergency response to be better prepared to deal with natural disastersin our region. We welcomed the ASEAN Declaration on Institutionalisingthe Resilience of ASEAN and Its Communities and People to Disasters andClimate Change, which underscores the importance of building an ASEANCommunity that is resilient to disaster and climate change, viewingresilience as a unifying, multi-faceted process and outcome. We wereencouraged by the efforts made by relevant ASEAN bodies through theASEAN Joint Task Force on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief(HADR) to improve synergies between the different platforms involved inthe management of HADR to provide for more efficient outcomes and avoidduplication of work.
48. We noted that transboundaryhaze pollution remained a concern in the region. With the ASEANAgreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) now having beenratified by all parties, we look forward to greater regional cooperationtowards resolving the issue in a concerted manner. We noted theinitiatives by the Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee onTransboundary Haze Pollution (MSC) countries to take the necessaryactions in order to operationalise the ASEAN Sub-Regional HazeMonitoring System (HMS). In the meantime, we encouraged MSC countries toshare information on a Government-to-Government basis on hotspot areasthat cause transboundary haze.
49. We noted withgreat concern that climate change is already having significant impactin the region, causing severe social and economic disruptions and damagethroughout the region. We affirmed our commitment to address climatechange at the national, regional and global levels. We called for acomprehensive 2015 agreement, based on science and the principles ofequity, and common but differentiated responsibilities and respectivecapabilities, as well as the promotion of sustainable development forall in line with the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda.
50. We recognised that regional integration and narrowing thedevelopment gap are priorities in the ASEAN community-building processand in this regard welcomed the drawing up of the IAI Work Plan III(2016-2020) and a post-2015 IAI Agenda. We welcomed closer collaborationbetween ASEAN and Mekong sub-regional cooperation arrangement tofurther strengthen IAI cooperation towards achieving equitable economicdevelopment in the region. In this aspect, we encouraged AMS toparticipate in Phase II of the technical assistance from the World Bank,which would focus on the assessment at the national level ofdevelopment gaps within and between AMS that could be further narrowed.Noting that IAI is cross-cutting in nature, we also called for closercollaboration among the various ASEAN sectoral bodies in ensuring fullparticipation and realisation of regional commitments and initiatives.
51. Wewelcomed the progress made in the implementation of the Master Plan onASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) in promoting economic growth, narrowingdevelopment gaps and contributing to ASEAN integration andcommunity-building. We stressed the importance of addressing the variouschallenges in implementing MPAC initiatives, such as resourcemobilisation as well as coordinating MPAC initiatives which aremulti-sectoral in nature.
52. We emphasised theimportance of ICT connectivity and tasked the Telecommunications andInformation Technology (IT) Ministers to undertake initiatives toimprove intra-ASEAN networks and security measures, while establishingplatforms to deliver and distribute e-services and ASEAN-based contentto our communities in order to ultimately drive e-entrepreneurship andinnovation and encourage ASEAN citizens to participate in the DigitalEconomy, leading towards unlocking the digital potential in ASEAN,creating ASEAN Smart Communities and a safer ASEAN cyberspace.
53. We welcomed the on-going efforts by the ASEAN ConnectivityCoordinating Committee (ACCC) to formulate a post-2015 Connectivityagenda, which should be bold, visionary and contain concrete andfeasible measures which will contribute to a better-connected ASEANregion.
54. We expressed satisfaction with the development of ASEAN’srelations with its external partners and look forward to furthercooperation for the mutual benefit of ASEAN and its partners. We alsoexpressed our appreciation for their continued support for ASEAN’sCommunity-building efforts and for initiatives which contribute to thepeace and stability of the region.
55. We reiteratedASEAN’s central role in shaping the evolving regional architecture andreaffirmed our commitment to further enhance and strengthen ourpartnerships through various ASEAN-led mechanisms, including the ASEANPlus One and Plus Three Mechanisms, the East Asia Summit and the ASEANRegional Forum.
56. We looked forward to theconclusion of the Upgrading of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement(ACFTA) and the signing of the Protocol to incorporate the Trade inServices and Investment Chapters under the ASEAN Japan ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement. We also noted the good progressof the ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) negotiations.
57. We welcomed the progress made by the ASEAN Coordinating CouncilWorking Group (ACCWG) in deliberating the ASEAN Membership Applicationby Timor-Leste and exploring the ASEAN activities that Timor-Leste couldparticipate in. We are committed to provide assistance forTimor-Leste’s capacity building process and looked forward to theoutcome of the three independent studies on ASEAN Membership Applicationby Timor Leste and its implications on the APSC, AEC and ASCC buildingprocess, as mandated to the ACCWG Sub-Working Group.
Strengthening of the East Asia Summit
58. We acknowledged the need to continue efforts to create robustmechanisms to address issues related to deepening regional integrationand maintaining peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Werecognised that these mechanisms must aim at promoting strategic trustthrough dialogue and transparent behaviour as well as adherence to rulesand norms commonly agreed to. We further acknowledged the need topromote effectiveness, synergies and minimise duplication in ASEAN-ledmechanisms. In this regard, we called for the strengthening of existingmechanisms, including the East Asia Summit.
South China Sea
59. We share the serious concerns expressed by some Leaders on theland reclamation being undertaken in the South China Sea, which haseroded trust and confidence and may undermine peace, security andstability in the South China Sea.
60. In thisregard, we instructed our Foreign Ministers to urgently address thismatter constructively including under the various ASEAN frameworks suchas ASEAN-China relations, as well as the principle of peacefulco-existence.
61. We reaffirmed the importance ofmaintaining peace, stability, security and freedom of navigation in andover-flight over the South China Sea. We emphasised the need for allparties to ensure the full and effective implementation of theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in itsentirety: to build, maintain and enhance mutual trust and confidence;exercising self-restraint in the conduct of activities; to not to resortto threat or use of force; and for the parties concerned to resolvetheir differences and disputes through peaceful means, in accordancewith international law including the 1982 United Nations Convention onthe Law of the Sea.
62. While noting the progressmade in the consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea(COC), we urged that consultations be intensified, to ensure theexpeditious establishment of an effective COC.
Middle East
63. We reiterated ASEAN’s support for the legitimate right of thePalestinian people for an independent state of Palestine and a two-statesolution where Palestine and Israel live side-by-side in peace. Weexpressed concern at the seeming renunciation of the two-State solutionas well as the expression of concern at Arab Israelis exercising theirright of universal suffrage during the recent elections in Israel andcalled upon Israel and Palestine to constructively engage in peacenegotiations. We reiterated our call for all parties to make everyeffort to remove obstacles related thereto, in particular theconstruction of illegal settlements in the occupied PalestinianTerritories, in order to reach a final status agreement.
64. We expressed concern at the deteriorating situation in Yemen,resulting in deaths, destruction and large scale displacement of people,compelling us to evacuate hundreds of ASEAN Nationals from the country.We expressed support for the United Nations Security Council Resolution2216 on the Situation in the Middle East (Yemen) and called on allparties to exercise restraint, resolve their differences throughpeaceful dialogue and return to the country’s roadmap for an inclusivedemocratic transition. We urged all parties to facilitate the deliveryof humanitarian assistance as well as the protection and evacuation ofcivilians.
International Economic Slowdown
65. We acknowledged the importance of deeper, faster and betterintegration to mitigate the effects of uncertainties in the globaleconomy, through ASEAN becoming more competitive, promote further FDIinflows and ultimately benefit our peoples. We acknowledged that fallingoil prices could affect export earnings and government revenue for netoil-exporting economies in ASEAN and the risk posed by currencyvolatility, including possible capital flow reversals.
66. We acknowledged the continued resilience of ASEAN economies amidstthe challenges in the global economy. We note that, notwithstanding netoil exporting economies, the declining oil prices have an overallpositive impact on the region’s economic growth. We are however mindfulof external factors that could adversely impact our economies. We areconfident the continued adoption of appropriate policy mix, therealisation of AEC and together with the continued focus oninfrastructure development to improve connectivity will help sustaineconomic growth, maintain regional financial stability and enhanceASEAN’s competitiveness.
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
67. We welcomed the progress made in negotiations for the RegionalComprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and urged all parties tointensify efforts with the aim of concluding negotiations by end-2015.Given RCEP’s potential to further integrate ASEAN into the globaleconomy and uphold ASEAN centrality, we tasked our Economic Ministers toidentify approaches which are pragmatic, credible, and acceptable toall parties, taking into consideration the different levels ofdevelopment among ASEAN Member States, plus additional flexibility forthe least developed ASEAN Member States.
68. We expressed appreciation to Turkey for inviting ASEANparticipation at the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey in November 2015 aswell as related G20 meetings throughout the year. ASEAN’s continuedparticipation in the G20 is an acknowledgement of its role as aconstructive and successful regional organisation. We will continue toprovide constructive input and highlight ASEAN’s views and perspectivesconcerning the international financial infrastructure.
69. We welcomed Malaysia’s non-permanent membership on the UnitedNations Security Council for the term 2015-2016 and expressed supportfor ASEAN’s future candidatures to the United Nations Security Council.This is in line with our shared vision for ASEAN to coordinate action onvarious global issues of common interest and concern, leading to ASEANbecoming a global player.-VNA