Hanoi (VNA) – A ceremony was heldin Hanoi on May 10 to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomaticrelations between Vietnam and the Netherlands (April 9) and the five-yearestablishment of the Vietnam-Netherlands Friendship and Cooperation Association(January 29).
Addressing the event, Prof. Dao Xuan Hoc,President of the Vietnam-Netherlands Friendship and Cooperation Association,said that over the past 45 years, the relationship between Vietnam and theNetherlands has grown in a dynamic and effective manner across many fields,benefiting both sides.
Currently, the Netherlands is one of thelargest European trade partners and investors in Vietnam, with over 8 billionUSD in investment and nearly 8 billion USD in two-way trade revenue recordedfor 2017.
With its impressive economic developmentand efficient support of the Netherlands, Vietnam has progressed from arecipient of development assistance from the Netherlands to become a tradepartner of the European country, a demonstrative example of the effectivenessof bilateral affiliation, the professor noted.
Prof. Hoc added that over the past fiveyears, the Vietnam-Netherlands Friendship and Cooperation Association hassucceeded in launching many events and activities aimed at strengthening mutualunderstanding and partnership between the two nations.
He said he hopes to continue receiving cooperationand support from the Dutch Embassy in Vietnam.
For her part, Dutch Ambassador to Vietnam,Nienke Trooster, said that Vietnam is one of the most prioritised countries inthe Netherlands’ soft loan provision.
Currently, the Netherlands is focusing oninvesting in Vietnam in a number of key areas such as trade, the privatesector, water management, agriculture, and climate change, said the diplomat.
At the ceremony, a collection of extractsfrom 17 Dutch documentary films on the war in Vietnam were presented to Vietnamand screened for the first time. -VNA