The venture, to be carried out in2014-2015, has a total investment of 920,000 USD, of which 676,000 USDhas been contributed by the Luxemburg Government. The rest is comingfrom the UN.
Boasting the International LabourOrganisation, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisationand the neighouring province of Quang Nam as co-partners, the projectwill concentrate on developing green tours, which will be largely run bylocal people.
Thua Thien-Hue and Quang Namprovinces will work to enhance the capabilities of travel companies ingenerating more jobs for their residents.
Provincialrepresentatives said that each province needs to establish its ownsteering board to monitor the implementation of the project.
On April 18-19, a training course on responsible tourism was held inHanoi for 33 tourism teachers, directors and representatives of theVietnam Tourism Association.
The course was organised by theEU-funded Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism CapacityDevelopment Programme for the first time in Vietnam.-VNA