Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), defined as coronary heartdisease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease, or atherosclerotic peripheral arterydisease, is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, according to experts.
Atherosclerosis affects the working population in Vietnam with 49% of patientswith ASCVD in the age group from 15-64. Dyslipidemia (fatty blood) is one ofthe leading risks of cardiovascular diseases.
The growing burden of cardiovascular disease in Vietnam is an urgent issue thatrequires multilateral cooperation among the government, pharmaceuticalcompanies, health facilities and the whole society to join hands in the controland management of the disease.
As a result, the government and policy makers need to take urgent action toaddress the alarming situation this disease poses to Vietnamese people. Itincludes implementing initiatives to raise public awareness of dyslipidemia,building screening programmes for early detection and timely treatment,improving access to advanced medicines with long-term efficacy as well asstrengthening the capacity of the system to provide cardiovascular diseaseprevention and control services for people.
Experts agreed that the goal of strengthening control for risk factors,especially dyslipidemia, should be considered as part of the next NationalAction Plan, including promoting measures for prevention, early detection, andtreatment management to limit the increase in the rate of pre-illness, beingsick, disability and premature death due to cardiovascular disease in order toprotect and improve people’s health and the socio-economic development of thecountry.
Huynh Van Minh, President of Vietnam Heart Association said that prevention andtreatment of cardiovascular diseases was a comprehensive intervention processfrom educating people and patients to improving knowledge about the disease aswell as how to prevent it, helping patients detect, diagnose early and setgoals for individualised treatment for each patient with varying degrees ofrisk and with appropriate and adequate therapeutic interventions according totreatment guidelines.
“This process requires the involvement of health authorities in the developmentof clear goals, programmes and action guidelines, and the constant updating ofthe latest guidelines on cardiovascular disease management as well as ongoingclinical research results and innovative approaches. In particular, thetreatment of dyslipidemia plays an important role in the treatment of theetiology of many cardiovascular diseases, so we believe that focusing on themanagement of dyslipidemia will ensure that the health care process ofcardiovascular patients is always safe and effective,” said Minh.
According to statistics in the EvoHealth White Paper on ASCVD in Vietnam, in2019, there were 2.4 million people with cardiovascular diseases, of which 65%were due to atherosclerosis. It is also the leading cause of death with a veryhigh rate of ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke.
Cardiovascular disease is a dangerous disease and the leading cause of deathglobally. In 2012, CVDs accounted for the largest proportion of all deaths in Vietnam,at 33%./.