At the meeting, Secretary of the Party Committee andChairman of the People’s Council of Vientiane Anouphap Tounalom said he is impressed by Can Tho’s strong development and expressed his hoped that initiativesand policies serving the sides’ comprehensive cooperation will be implementedmore extensively, with a focus on the development of the farming sector.
The official proposed the delta city increase scholarshipsfor Lao students to study agriculture at Can Tho University and other local institutionswith strengths in farming.
Secretary of the Can Tho People's Committee Nguyen Van Hieu stated that Vietnam has approved a strategy forsustainable agricultural and rural development, and the Vietnamese Government isimplementing a programme to develop one million hectares of high-techagriculture, ensuring that farmers' income increases by at least 30% comparedto the traditional model. Research and technology transfer activities in thefield are being vigorously promoted, especially in the Mekong Delta.
On the same day, the Lao delegation toured some agriculturalinstitutions, schools, and businesses in Can Tho./.