Phnom Penh (VNA) – The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia haswarned that social media users who broadcast images, audio and video clips withcontent of a sexual nature, that is inflammatory or racist and harms cultureand national traditions are forbidden and will be punished.
According to a ministry directive, the ministry has observed usersof certain websites and social network sites, especially online businesses,musicians, writers and so-called outside actors of broadcasting images, textmessages, audio clips and videos that are immoral and unethical and having aserious impact on culture, tradition, identity and prestige.
The ministry said if any individual or group continues to engagein any of the above activities, it will cooperate with the Ministries ofInterior; Information; Posts and Telecommunications and other relevantinstitutions to take action.
Ministry spokesman Long Ponnasirivath said last week thatofficials at the ministry are working on the procedure.
He said the first step is to educate those who have wronged orharmed culture and tradition. The next step will be to call in the individualsfor questioning and to sign an agreement to stop all activities that theministry deems inappropriate.
For the last step, he said, the ministry will work with the Ministriesof Information, and Posts and Telecommunications to demand that all images orvideos be removed.
Until now, only administrative actions are taken and people areinvited to the ministry for further education for their unusual behaviour onsocial media, Ponnasirivath said./.