The programme, to be available nextyear, will support students in making well-considered decisions onselecting suitable vocational schools or universities in north centralNghe An and south central Quang Nam provinces.
The FlemishAssociation for Development Co-operation and Technical Assistance fromBelgium (VVOB) is set to run the programme in partnership with the localdepartments of education and women's unions.
Details onthe programme were offered at a workshop held in Hanoi on Dec.3,which brought together teachers and educational officials at provinciallevels and stakeholders involved for discussion and planning.
The new programme is integrated into VVOB's existing teaching programmefor the 2008-13 period, which supports the Government's policy ofstudent-centred learning by co-operating with the local departments ofeducation, women's unions and teachers training institutes in the fiveprovinces of Thai Nguyen, Quang Ninh, Nghe An, Quang Nam and QuangNgai.
"Career guidance is somehow ignored in Vietnam andmany other countries, including even Belgium , despite it being avery important part of education," said Wilfried Theunis, theprogramme's manager from VVOB.
Theunis said this was thereason for VOOB's decision to launch the programme in Vietnam . Hepointed out that so far only limited efforts have been directed todeveloping career guidance, which is an important factor in linking theeducation system to the labour market.
According toTheunis, the new programme aims to make information on professionalopportunities readily available to teachers and educational experts toequip them with sufficient skills in career guidance, while alsooffering more information on career options to students.
The planned activities include development of an information database atthe provincial level, training and development of training materialsfor career guidance and activities at the communal level to raiseawareness about career guidance, including the value of technical andvocational education and training.
"Students should knowthat going to university is not the only option they have in pursuing asuccessful career," said Theunis.
By 2013, the programme is expected to be extended to other provinces if successful in Nghe An and Quang Ngai./.