The annualevent is initiated by the European Union and the seven members of theDanube-Mekong Cooperation Initiative, namely Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria,Slovakia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Thisyear’s event is expected to attract approximately 180 delegates from 53ASEM members and regional and international organisations, including theMekong River Commission, the International Commission for theProtection of the Danube River, and the World Bank.
They will exchange opinions on water resources in the Post-2015Development Agenda, share experience in ensuring water resources, foodand energy security, and improving water management in urban areas.
They are also expected to make proposals on specific measures toincrease the two continents’ contributions to building and implementingthe Post-2015 Development Agenda, including a global goal for water.
The conference will adopt a report on proposals tobe submitted to the 12 th ASEAM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting inLuxembourg in this November and the 11 th ASEM Summit in Mongolia in2016.
Vietnam’s hosting of this ASEM conferenceaims to promote the country’s position in ASEM, contributing to theforum’s efforts to protect water resources.-VNA